FlushLess Tonic – for hot flushes; herbal HRT

From: $24.22

FlushLess Tonic

For many, menopause is a psychological, emotional, and intellectual turning point, as well as a physical one. But it need not be a decline. Herbactive’s FlushLess herbal tonic for menopausal symptoms has been remarkably successful over the years. It is estimated to have a record 99% success rate.

Night flushes can affect some while others have no problems when sleeping. There can be major or minor or no mood swings. This can be testing to a relationship.

Common symptoms, apart from the flushes or hot flashes, include depression, tiredness, lack of libido, headaches, and weepiness even for the most demure and at any time and for the most gentle of reasons. Along with this the bones will gradually lose some of their density. Skin, hair, nails, eyes, mouth, and gums undergo changes. Blood flow reduced to the skin and subcutaneous tissues contributes to the loss of skin firmness and shrinkage of underlying muscles. Deterioration of nerve endings in the ageing skin can lead to itchiness – a condition called formication; it can feel like insects crawling across or under the skin or an intense tingling.

All the symptoms above are due to reduced oestrogen in the body.

The oestrogen? Leave that to the FlushLess Tonic. It will help to support the changes you go through in a balanced way. There is Agnus Castus berry which stimulates and regulates pituitary gland function, and Wild Yam root so well known for its powerful hormonal normalizing action. Sage leaf for its action on sweats, reducing them or eliminating them altogether when backed up by the other female herbs in the mixture. Included are herbs from China: Dong Gui root (a species of Angelica) so good for oestrogen rebalance and regulating the heart; Rehmannia root for improving brain function; Lotus leaf for mood swings; Black Cohosh root for breast pains and stress; Bugleweed herb helps to calm the heart and regulate thyroid function which can be disturbed in the change. Other herbs help to restore the balance of the other symptoms mentioned. The tonic is easy to take and can be adapted to your individual needs, e.g. 1tsp 1-6 times daily.

I also recommend the ABC Daily Herbal NutriPowder for complete nutritional back-up to your system, see below.

Each Tonic is a mixture of organic whole medicinal herbal tinctures. Please note that every patient is different with differing demands and responses to herbal medicine. If you have any other questions about this or our other specific herbal tonics please contact me. I will do all I can to help you.

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FlushLess Tonic – for hot flushes; herbal HRT
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