Common Wireweed is not common in Europe (but I am sure it will settle easily given half a chance). It is mainly found in North and South America, but is also found in Asia (is used in Chinese herbal medicine), in India (called Bala) and Africa and Australia. It belongs to the mallow family just like marshmallow. Sida is an invasive species, and not liked by farmers, gardeners or householders because it has a long tap root which refuses to die. It can grow to 6 feet tall and spreads quickly. We use the whole plant – roots, leaves, stems, seeds and leaves.
Sida is great as a herbal antibiotic. Tincture extracts are the best way to get the medicinal action from this remarkable plant. Do not use if you are pregnant. This herb contains ephedrine (like Ma Huang) but in much smaller quantities, but this is the cause of its energising action, driving the power of the other actions. All of the sida species are said to have similar actions.
It is an adaptogenic and strongly antibacterial and antiviral and is found in my Antibiotic Tonic and ColdLess Antiviral /tonic. It is antiparasitic and is in my WormLess Tonic. Anti-inflammatory. Anticancer and is antineoplastic and antiproliferative and is in HerbShield Tonic. It also has a protective action to the liver. It is contained in many of my specialist tonics for these conditions.