Our Rhodiola extract tincture has an extra strong action due to it being made from an extract powder with a high percentage of salidroside which improves its action to reduce stress and depression and bipolar and anxiety states; it better combats fatigue (like CFS, FMS and ADHD); it strengthens brain function and mental performance; improves energy and athletic performance (by increasing red blood cells) and therefore endurance; it increases fat burning when used during a weight loss program; one of the best adaptogenics in herbal medicine; it increases beta-endorphins and opioid neuropeptides to enhance stress tolerance and reduce cortisol production. This herb is also in our ABC Powder.
Rhodiola has many species and grows in Russia, China, Tibet, Europe, USA, in the colder regions of thes countries. All species have similar actions, but herbalists mainly use R. rosea.