This herb works on the lung (LU). Dried leafy tops are used in a tincture 45%. It detoxifies the system. Antibacterial. Anti-fungal. Antimicrobial. Anti-inflammatory. It acts like a panacea. It is included in many of Herbactive tonics.
Here is more detailed information of this herb:
Houttuynia cordata [hoo-ty-nee-ah] tops of herb (Lizard tail, Fishwort, Yu Xing Cao [it smells like fish], slightly cold, pungent; LU). Actions: to eliminate pathogenic heat; detoxicant; antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial, anthelmintic, larvacidal, anti-inflammatory, astringent, diuretic, emmenagogue, febrifuge, hypoglycaemic, laxative, depurative, analgesic, haemostatic, antitussive, antileukaemic, ophthalmic.
It acts strongly against Mycoplasma hominis, herpes simplex virus 1, influenza (H1N1), SARS, dengue virus, cytomegalovirus, avian infectious bronchitis virus, enterovirus, etc see p 171.
Uses: respiratory and intestinal infections, mycoplasma infections, serious infections in the lungs esp with abscesses, infections in the urinary passages and kidneys, genital infections, dysentery and any bacterial diarrheal conditions, diseases of the eye, skin infections with pus or boils (and any foul smelling discharge). Effective for mycoplasma infections including respiratory (pneumonia), urinary and kidney infections, genital infections, eye problems, and skin eruptions.
Chinese herbal medicine uses: removing toxic heat, eliminating toxins, reducing swelling, discharging pus, relieving stagnation. Specific for drainage of pus lung abscess with purulent expectoration, cough, dyspnea, carbuncles, and sores, dysuria, acute dysentery, colitis, acute urinary infections; heat clearing (anti-inflammatory), antipyretic, detoxicant, diuretic. Chronic nephritis, inflamed pelvis or cervix (pelvic inflammatory disease), gonorrhoea, rheumatism, prolapse, haemorrhoids, inflamed respiratory tract, post-op infections (preventative), inflammation and pus in the middle ear, measles, tonsillitis, chronic sinusitis, nasal polyps, anaphylactic reactions, various cancers.
Restores white blood cell count (WBC).
Dose and preparation: fresh leaves best, or tincture of aerial parts of the herb. Viral infections ¼ – ½ tsp up to 6x/day. Mycoplasma ½ tsp tds; same for bartonella. P. 170-178. With thanks to Buhner, Lyme.