HeartBurn Tonic is a multi-herbal medicine for acid reflux (which is commonly called heartburn), acid stomach and after-meal discomfort. It a herbal antacid. Heartburn is a burning, boring pain behind the lower end of the breastbone. It usually occurs an hour or so after meals. The cause is usually due to a leakage of stomach acid into the oesophagus, burning the lining and causing the pain. This leak is usually due to the cardiac sphincter not closing properly to prevent acid reflux. Due to this, lying down at night tips the acid in the stomach through any gap in the sphincter causing further discomfort at night (so prop yourself up with pillows at night until it is healed).
1. It may come on slowly or suddenly and can last half an hour or a lot longer.
2. It can also be a severe painful attack around the heart area, where breathing deeply is impossible without bringing on more pain, so breathing shallowly must be done (but there is an urge to breathe deeply). This attack only lasts a minute or so, but can recur minutes or hours later. Rapid heart beat is usual as well. The first such attack makes the person feel they are having a heart attack (which this acute pain mimics so well). Other symptoms with acute heartburn can be nausea with a vomit reflex, along with dizziness, weakness, headache sweating. Flatulence, both upwards and downwards.
Treatment with HeartBurn Tonic (5ml 2-4 times daily before meals and last thing at night) both reduces acid (antacid) and helps to repair the valve (sphincter) from the oesophagus to the stomach. Your dose should be taken along with Slippery Elm and Marshmallow Powder (1-2tsp) before meals and last thing at night. This powder greatly aids the protection of the damaged sphincter, reduces the acidity and improves gentle digestion.
Herbs included in this relieving, healing tonic are sweet flag root, Irish moss, asafoetida, condurango bark, chamomile flowers.
It can also result in indigestion (if there isn’t heartburn, you can use DigestMore Tonic for this).