Fungal Tonic and Lotion
Anti-fungal herbal medicines consist of herbs that are specifically anti-fungals and also those that build up the immune system. A person with fungal infections usually deficient due to stress and poor nutritional standards.
Your fungal lotion cleared the skin fungus completely, thanks very much.
R. Pearce, London
I came to you after seeing the GP. He had said I had eczema in my scalp. It was very itchy. You examined my scalp and you agreed. You prescribed your SkinClear Tonic and also SkinClear Shampoo Powder. You also said I had a fungal infection under my arms and under my breasts. You prescribed the Fungal Lotion. Winin two weeks all symptoms were much better and after another month of treatment I was completely clear of both problems.
Thank you Alan it was most distressing until I started on your treatment.
Christine M.
PS I love your Shampoo powder and I now also am regularly using your Bhringaraj Oil.
Hi Alan, first off I’d like to say thank you, I had a fungal nail infection which spread to every nail on one foot, after someone stood on my big toe in high heels and killed only half the toenail, I’ve tried everything I could to get rid of it. I’ve studied nutrition for 6-7 years so knew my diet was fine, but it was the trauma that caused the growth, and after 3 days of using your fungal less cream/liquid, the fungus was gone and any excess scraped away, now all I have to do is wait for the nails to grow out! So Thank you!. Dan
Fungal infections can invade our body (tinea corporis), our feet and nails (tinea pedis) causing itching and loss of skin colour (pigment change). It can spread to other vulnerable people. It needs immediate treatment to prevent it spreading to other parts of the body or feet.
To kill the fungus apply our Fungal Lotion.
My teenage son has had athlete’s foot for years and at first he resisted taking your FungalLess Tonic and applying your Fungal Lotion. But after a lot of nagging he starting using both. Now he has lovely smooth skin and he is very happy because nothing else worked. Thank you for an excellent product.
Hi Alan, I’m in my 60s and started to get small 1cm circles of fungal infection on my forehead. I used your fungal lotion twice a day, just dabbing on that and any other suspicious area. After just two weeks they were gone. Thanks, it’s a great product. Geoff. P.S. I also used it on some areas which were raised like spots on the top of my head. I’m nearly bald so it was easy to apply. These too all disappeared after repeated treatment. I’m keeping a bottle handy!
Hello Alan, I found your Fungal Cream very, very effective. Thank you for your help. Mrs M.
I’m very impressed with both your FungalLess Tonic and Fungal Lotion – they’ve worked! …and I’d tried everything before! Brilliant! Thank you so much.
JM – Bournemouth UK
A revised diet and a good supplement like ABD Daily Herbal NutriPowder Plus is required.
fungalLess Tonic is for ringworm and fungal infections on skin or nails. For more information, read here.