ForgetLess Tonic

From: £20.99

ForgetLess Tonic

We all forget names, what we were going to do, where we put the car keys or our wallet or the screwdriver. We do this right through the years. It’s normal. When we are young we just curse ourselves and get on with it. In later years we think we’re going crazy or senile because it seems it’s happening more often. If it is happening more often there are herbs that could help you.

There are herbs found by science that are helpful for forgetfulness, to help quicker recall. Herbs like Ginkgo, Harts Tongue (Herbactive herb), Schizandra, Terminalia from India, Ginseng from China, Pau D’Arco from Brazil. Herbs that open the capillaries in the brain and work on the dendrites in the brain to improve memory. Other herbs in this tonic: Rhodiola root, Japanese Knotweed root, Ashwagandha, Ginkgo leaf, Kola nut, Curcumin, Baikel, Gotu kola, Hart’s Tongue leaf, Guarana seed.

ForgetLess Tonic may be used on a low-dose long-term basis to help offset brain and memory decline. Combine it with a good varied diet, exercise, varied reading, mental puzzles, stimulating conversation, documentaries that make you think, outings to historical or art museums. This will help to prevent Alzheimer’s Disease.

Other tonics to consider for alzheimer’s: MentalPepTalk Tonic. BrainMore Tonic. MCT Oil (and the ketogenic diet). Heart and Circulation Tonic. NerveShield Tonic.

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