Herbs and Interstitial Cystitis (IC-Less)
Interstitial Cystitis (IC-Less)
“Dear Alan, I am simply amazed at the speed your IC-Less Tonic has worked! I have been in great discomfort for months with misdiagnosis from my doctor. It made me depressed. But now with such swift relief and continued improvement my mood has lifted and I feel a lot more positive. Thank you for all your advice and encouragement.”
M.L. Hereford
Hello Alan, I thought I would drop you a line to let you know how things are going. I don’t want to tempt fate, but my IC is so much improved I would go as far as to say that it is ‘back to normal’ so fingers crossed that the improvement is sustained after having to put up with this condition for almost 1 year.
Best regards,
Dear Alan, I was taking mirabegron a drug from my GP for IC; it was meant to act on the muscle by sending a message to the brain, but it was useless and had no effect at all, and I stopped it. I was in real pain and had IC for nearly 7 years. I started your IC-Less tonic and within a short time I was noticing a soothing effect, with less frequency, more control and a lot more confortable. I’d tried so many products over the years and nothing has worked like your herbs. Now I take just 1tsp a day. Wonderful, wonderful tonic! I’m a much happier person! Thank you for all your help and advice.
Elizabeth L. Hampshire.
Interstitial cystitis (IC) is a chronic inflammatory condition of the bladder. Its cause is unknown. “Common” cystitis, also known as a urinary tract infection, is caused by bacteria and is usually successfully treated with antibiotics. Unlike common cystitis, IC is believed not to be caused by bacteria and does not respond to conventional antibiotic therapy. It is important to note that IC is not a psychosomatic disorder nor is it caused by stress.
IC can affect people of any age, race or sex. It is, however, most commonly found in women. Recent epidemiological data suggest that there may be greater than 700,000 cases of IC in the US.
Some or all of these symptoms may be present:
FREQUENCY: Day and/or night frequency of urination (up to 60 times a day in severe cases). In early or very mild cases, frequency is sometimes the only symptom.
URGENCY: The sensation of having to urinate immediately, which may also be accompanied by pain, pressure or spasms.
PAIN: Can be in the lower abdominal, urethral or vaginal area. Pain is also frequently associated with sexual intercourse. Men with IC may experience testicular, scrotal and/or perineal pain, and painful ejaculation.
OTHER DISORDERS: Some patients also report muscle and joint pain, migraines, allergic reactions and gastrointestinal problems, as well as the more common symptoms of IC described above. It appears that IC has an as yet unexplained association with certain other chronic diseases and pain syndromes such as vulvar vestibulitis, fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome. Many IC patients, however, have only bladder symptoms.
Most IC patients have difficulty obtaining a diagnosis. To make a proper diagnosis of IC, a urologist must follow these steps:
Take urine cultures to determine if there is a bacterial infection present.
Rule out other diseases and/or conditions that have symptoms resembling IC. These diseases may include bladder cancer, kidney problems, tuberculosis, vaginal infections, sexually transmitted diseases, endometriosis, radiation cystitis and neurological disorders.
Perform a cystoscopy with hydrodistention under general anesthesia if no infection is present and no other disorder is discovered. If distention under anesthesia is not performed, the diagnosis of IC may be missed. Cystoscopy during a routine office visit may not reveal the characteristic abnormalities of IC and can be painful for those who have IC. It is necessary to distend the bladder under general or regional anesthesia in order to see the pinpoint hemorrhages on the bladder wall that are the hallmark of this disease. A biopsy of the bladder wall may be necessary at this time to rule out other diseases such as bladder cancer and to assist in the diagnosis of IC. IC is not associated with bladder cancer.
With thanks to the IC Help Group.
At this time there is no known cure for IC, nor is there an effective treatment which works for everyone. However, a vast majority of IC patients may be helped by herbal treatment.
“After 7 YEARS of this painful condition with no relief having tried all kinds of products of course because I was desperate. Yet after the very first bottle of IC-Less there was significant improvement. I haven’t looked back. I’m so grateful for this amazing mix of herbs.” Liz from Lymington, UK
Order your Interstitial Cystitis Herbal Tonic here (IC-Less Tonic)
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