Herbs for Colds & Viral Diseases. Also Antibiotic Herbs


Long Covid
A brief review of the effects of Covid-19 and recommended herbal treatment

Some patients who had Covid-19 with the initial symptoms of a toe rash and pins and needles, a year on, still have headaches, and worse still (common to most post-viral illness) have exercise intolerance, meaning, after even just a brisk walk, they have no energy afterwards and have to lie in bed for weeks afterwards. Evidence shows that women are twice as likely to feel fatigued for up to 11 months after leaving hospital, and six times more likely to experience breathlessness.
Herbal tonics: HerbShield, EnergyMore, HeadacheLess, LungShield-COPD


Dear Alan,
I cannot thank you enough for the herbal prescription that my husband and I have been taking since January 2020. I was able to look after and support my dear friend who had terminal cancer and contracted CV [coronavirus]. In December 2020 my friend was nursed at home before she passed away on Christmas day. Sadly, a few days later her husband was admitted into hospital with CV and most of her family members tested positive or had severe symptoms. I can only think that I did not have symptoms or a positive result due to the good immune boaster I had taking your herbal medication. I shall continue taking this for a very very long time.
I am ever so grateful to you. God Bless you, you are doing such a great service to all your patients.
With love and gratitude,
Mani Lingam-Willgoss


The ACE2 receptor that Sars-CoV-2 uses to infect the body is present not only on the surface of the respiratory cells, but also on the cells of many organs that produce hormones, including the thyroid, adrenal glands and ovaries, causing problems relating to these glands. And, as it happens, the ACE2 receptor is also found on the amygdala, cerebral cortex and brainstem, which is the reason for even mild Covid-19 infections to have negative long-term effects on the brain, for instance emotional detachment from one’s children can occur, which suggests the adverse effects on the amygdala. And people with long-covid remain vulnerable to colds and flu and viral infections.
Herbal tonics: BrainMore, Endocrine Seven, Thyroid, Adrenal, Herbal-V8, Herbal VW, ColdLess AntiViral

There has been found to be signs of significant long-term damage to the heart, lungs and kidneys of covid survivors as young as 44 years old. It also suggests that as survivors get older other unexpected symptoms may arise.
It appears that following vaccination might itself off-set these time-bombs.
Herbal tonics: Heart and Circulation, LungShield-COPD, KidneyShield

The effect of covid on the microbiome has been shown to be significant. Where people who got covid had a poor diet the severity of the covid infection was greater. That is, if the gut microbiome (and indeed the brain microbiome) is in poor shape, symptoms of the infection by covid are far worse. So people who ate a highly processed diet are prone to a worse outcome following their recovery from covid. And on the other hand people who follow a healthy lifestyle and a wide range of good foods will have fewer symptoms and the infections from the covid virus will be milder.
Herbal tonics: DigestMore, WormLess, PancreasMore, ColonCleanse, ABC Daily Herbal Powder

This is probably the reason why India and Africa have had far fewer deaths from covid than in the west. India and Africa (and China), even though regarded as third world countries, eat a more basic diet, which is not refined or processed as it is for the majority in western countries. It is noteworthy that the microbiome of anyone can be improved in a relatively short space of time by improving the diet and lifestyle and removing the western high carb, high sugar, high fructose and highly refined foods. As we know, the gut controls some 80 percent of the immune system, so a poor, inadequate, highly processed (fast) food diet, means a lower immune resistance to diseases, especially new viruses and variants which it hasn’t been exposed to before.
With thanks and acknowledgements to Mary Wakefield, Professor Tim Spector, Dr Claire Steves, and The Spectator.

Swine flu, bird flu and all cold and flu viruses (including Coronavirus Covid-19 and variants)

I have ordered ColdLess AntiViral Tonic in the hope that this can help to remove the stubborn long-covid, chronic remaining congestion. If not, I will definitely book a consultation – I am so happy to have found you, and looking at your shop I am very impressed by the amazing array of wonderful herbal remedies. I will let you know how I get on with the ColdLess.
Kind regards, Corry

[For antibiotic herbal information see end of this page]


“Dear Mr Hopking, I used your antiviral remedy for labyrinthitis i was told I had because of a bout of dizzyness, nausea, pain in the ear. Within a week it had gone. I took none of the tablets prescribed to me by my GP. It is an excellent medicine, thank you.”
A.van S. – Portsmouth


Hi Alan, you advised me to take your cold medicine on a low dose through the winter, and even though there has been all this flu and bad weather, and so muuh coughing and sneezing around me at work, I haven’t gone down with a virus. Thank you. JR – Isle of Wight


Alan, your ColdLess Tonic is number one and second to none! I started to get an occasional cough on Saturday and thought nothing of it. By Monday it was full blown. I had a deep growling bronchial cough and a streaming nose. I started taking your ColdLess and continued at work, cancelling all meetings. I went to bed early and had ColdLess 2-3 times when I woke up coughing. Tuesday, the cold got even worse. I continued work and the tonic. I was in bed at 7, and through the night I took ColdLess, perhaps every hour or so. At 6 in the morning, it was like a new dawn! I absolutely knew the virus had been beaten. I was better. The cough had gone. I was strong again.
Normally, these sorts of colds for me would go on for weeks. There’s no doubt in my mind that your amazing ColdLess Tonic turned things around so quickly. My family were frightened at the ferocity at first, and astonished at the sudden cure. And cure it was.
Thanks Alan for this powerful herbal cold CURE!
Anthony Milton. UK


Dear Alan, You asked me to keep you updated with results on Coldless Antiviral.
The antiviral did indeed cut the symptoms of the Covid flu and aftereffects dramatically.
For the first 4 days one of the symptoms [whole body itching] would break through if I did not take the Coldless Antiviral 4 x a day.
Second week was able to cut it back to twice a day, and tonic every other day.
Now on the third week I am down to once a day in the early evenings when leg or face itch.
Intend to continue until I know that the virus symptoms are banished, I guess another month.
Sincerely Caroline N.


Colds, Flu and H1N1 and Coronavirus Covid-19 and delta and omicron variants
We at Herbactive Herbal Clinic offer a general preventative herbal medicine to help improve your immune system and fight flu viruses including H1N1 and covid 19 in all its forms.

There are herbs that are for infections by various forms cold virus. The common cold is a cold-virus invasion of our upper respiratory mucous membranes. These viruses breed there and cause the characteristic symptoms, notably the production of thick catarrh, green or yellow and sometimes a clear colour. Other symptoms commonly associated with a viral infection are high temperature, depressed energy, thick head, poor concentration.

We don’t actually ‘catch’ colds (but see below)! We get colds because our system is not up to scratch: we are not looking after ourselves as we should; stress, anxiety, worry and poor diet are the cause that makes our immune response overwhelmed by the cold virus or other viruses. People who never get colds have a built-in resistance, i.e. a strong army of defenses; an immune system that is effective and nurtured. How do you nurture your immune system? In a nutshell: Good Food, Regular Exercise, Right Relationships, Sound Sleep. The ABC Daily Powder goes a long way to nourish and protect us too.

Antiviral herbs are best combined for powerful protection. One herb in a capsule, e.g. echinacea alone, is inadequate. Herbactive Clinic has many reputed anti-viral herbs for the promotion and protection of health. Herbs that include: Boneset, Black Elder berry, Star Anise, Echinacea, Olive leaf, Kudzu, Red Sage root, Astragalus, Shiitake, Cats Claw bark, Xanthium, Thyme and, of course, Garlic. I claim that these are among the best medicinal herbs that are active against viruses.


C-19 is getting an ever tighter grip in my local community: have got work colleagues who have had to self-isolate because of contact (one has had to do it twice now) and at least one person who knowingly didn’t. Along with a boss with a very bad cold, coughing and spluttering everywhere, ColdLess is definitely earning its keep for me in these difficult times! – Christine Nov 2020


For copious thin catarrh symptoms see Catarrh

For Bronchial-type cough and chestiness take BronchiShield

The size of a virus
Virus particles (virions) are 100 times smaller than a single bacteria cell. The bacterial cell alone is more than 10 times smaller than a human cell and a human cell is 10 times smaller than the diameter of a single human hair. Viruses are the smallest of all the microbes. They are said to be so small that 500 million rhinoviruses (which cause the common cold) could fit onto the head of a pin. They are unique because they only come alive and are able to multiply inside the cells of other living things. The cell they multiply in is called the host cell.
Viruses by themselves are not alive. They cannot grow or multiply on their own and need to enter a human or animal cell and take over the cell to help them multiply. Viruses do not have the chemical machinery needed to survive on their own. These viruses may also infect bacterial cells. They therefore seek out host cells in which they can multiply. They have a key that fits certain cells (e.g. a cold virus has a key to fit nasorespiratory cells). These viruses enter the body from the environment or other individuals from soil to water to air via nose, mouth, or any breaks in the skin and seek a cell to infect. Once inside, they take over the cell and replicate themselves very quickly, each of these replicates do the same with neighbouring cells. And so the infection spreads.

The anatomy of a virus
A virion (virus particle) has three main parts:
1. Nucleic acid – this is the core of the virus with the DNA or RNA (deoxyribonucleic acid and ribonucleic acid respectively). The DNA or RNA holds all the information for the virus and that makes it unique and helps it multiply.
2. Protein Coat (capsid) – This is the covering over the nucleic acid that protects it.
3. Lipid membrane (envelope) – this covers the capsid. Many viruses do not have this envelope and are called naked viruses.

The cuckoo of the cellular world
The virus particle or the virion attacks the cell and takes over its machinery to carry out their own life processes of multiplication and growth. An infected cell will now only produce viral particles instead of its usual products.
A cold or flu virus for example will target cells that line the respiratory (i.e. the lungs) or digestive (i.e. the stomach) systems. The HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) that causes AIDS attacks the T-cells (a type of white blood cell that fights infection and disease) of the immune system.

Life cycle of a basic virus
There are a few basic steps that all infecting viruses follow and these are called the lytic cycle. These include:
1. A virus particle attaches to a host cell. This is called the process of adsorption.
2. The particle injects its DNA or RNA into the host cell called entry.
3. The invading DNA or RNA takes over the cell and recruits the host’s enzymes.
4. The cellular enzymes start making new virus particles called replication.
5. The particles of the virus created by the cell come together to form new viruses. This is called assembly.
6. The newly formed viruses kill the cell so that they may break free and search for a new host cell. This is called release.

Each cell killed by the virus released thousands more
So, from one infected cell in my throat thousands of copies were released. This continued from Friday. Already I was coughing. This is not something a healthy body does. Something was wrong. My defences were already trying to protect the area. Coughing up phlegm is the removal of toxic waste produced by the defences against these alien bodies or parasites, also the cellular shells discarded by the virus. This continued through Saturday.
From the first signs, start taking herbal medicines. Antivirals. Hot lemon and ginger drinks. Don’t take any chances. Because on Sunday red alert was triggered. The whole body was now under threat. Red alert meant a huge increase to body temperature and a full attack began. Wave after wave; shivering, headaches, coughing … you feel like you’re on a torture rack! Viruses can’t exist in high heat. Nor can we as hosts, hence we become weak, lethargic and feel lousy…and sweat to cool ourselves down. We lie in bed shivering yet with a temperature over 103°F (98.6 is the norm). This action of our immune system defences has evolved over millions of years, before we became conscious humans.

Why do we cough?
Coughing, for all its inconvenience and embarrassment in company, has a twofold function.
– One, it is a response mechanism by the body to clear a clogging airway. The throat is at a Y junction, from the mouth food passes the throat down to the stomach, but when we breathe air passes the throat to the lungs. The infected throat is defended and the offending viruses are contained in phlegm (often coloured yellow). This is coughed up and swallowed where it splashes into neat hydrochloric acid and destroyed.
– The second function of coughing is more macabre. It is initiated by the viruses to spread to another host. Coughing in a shop or pub or bus or classroom may give the virus a chance of being breathed in by someone. So, putting your hand over your mouth or coughing into a handkerchief is a good preventive social custom. Always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water and dry under an airstream if possible. Wash your hands like this as often as possible and especially if you have been on a bus, in a public toilet, in a supermarket, at a school or hospital, etc.
“Die off is huge as my defences respond to the emergency. You can taste it in your throat, a kind of metallic taste.”  Margo G.
Gargle with MouthShield. Take high doses of ColdLess AntiViral Tonic eg 10-20ml 2-4 times daily if you suspect you have inhaled a virus.

My throat is also dry
The increased metabolism which has raised the temperature of the body making it hard for a virus to survive, also causes sweating which controls the temperature, cooling the body, resulting in loss of hydration. This is noticed by a dry mouth.

A good few days later
Gradually, a few days later, you start to feel better. The worst is over. Your appetite returns. But you are still coughing (this can continue for another week as dead cells and viruses are removed in phlegm). You are weak for days, as all your energy and resources have gone into this survival strategy. But gradually you gain strength. The shivering and headaches reduce in intensity from the 3rd or 4th day, and by the 8th day you almost feel normal again (still a bit weak though probably).



Antiviral Herbs for Labyrinthitis
You can use a combination of these antiviral herbs mentioned above for all viral infections, including Labyrinthitis, an infection in the inner ear.
The inner ear consists of a fluid filled cavity that is responsible for hearing and balance. This region is known as the labyrinth and an infection that occurs here is known as labyrinthitis. The labyrinth consists of the cochlear canal, which is responsible for hearing and the semicircular and vestibule canals which are responsible for balance. Labyrinthitis usually results due to a viral infection, although bacteria can also be the cause in some cases. Viral infections of the labyrinth may occur during illnesses such as flu, mumps or measles. If an infection of the middle ear or otitis media is not properly treated, then a bacterial infection could develop in the labyrinth. This could happen especially if infected debris has developed in the middle ear and has spread to the inner ear. The bloodstream may also carry the infection to the inner ear from other areas of the body. In rare cases, head injuries can cause infection of the labyrinth. Herbactive has a specific herbal medicine for vertigo, labyrinthitis, and general dizziness. see prices


I have a wet or dripping nose most of the time, how can I stop it?
This is due to a number of possible causes. It could be chronic rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, or due to polyps or something more serious.You will get a better idea what it is that you have if you go to see your GP or your ENT (ear, nose and throat) specialist. But if you want to give herbs a trial for a month I recommend our nasal drops for chronic and allergic rhinitis. These drops are specific nasal astringent herbs to help shut down the flow of clear liquid causing your nose to drip most of the day. This nasal fluid is slightly acidic which can cause your nostrils to redden and appear inflamed when in constant contact with the skin of your nostrils. Order the Nasal Drops for Chronic and Allergic Rhinitis, see our store to order or send an email to info@herbactivehealth.com
If you have nasal polyps you need to order our Nasal Polyps Drops, see our store to order.


Swine flu and bird flu
Swine flu and bird flu haven’t gone away! I recommend that you take these antiviral herbs on a daily basis if your system is low or you are frequently exposed to viruses (schools, hospitals, department stores, supermarkets, etc). Following a consultation a tonic will be made for you that has a multi-herbal prescription of specific medicinal herbs to fight viral infections and boost the immune system. Give it to your children as well.
Dose: just 1tsp daily long term, unless you get any flu-like symptoms, then increase the dose to 4tsp daily.
300ml will last 2 months; 555ml will last nearly 16 weeks at the lowest dose.
I also recommend the ABC Daily Herbal NutriPowder for complete nutritional back-up to your system. And MouthShield MouthWash.

Each Tonic is a mixture of organic whole medicinal herbal tinctures. Please note that every patient is different with differing demands and responses to herbal medicine.

Order at our online store


The following has been adapted from the NHS government website. There are links below that will take you to the NHS website if you want more information.

What is Swine Flu and how serious is it?

Latest Info (Sept 18 2009):
Official estimated UK deaths from Swine Flu this winter 19,000.
Official estimated numbers requiring intensive care 65,000 this winter.
The UK vaccine: this has been tested and I recommend you and your children have it if you are offered it.

A new strain of Influenza A (H1N1), also known as swine flu, was confirmed in the UK in April and has spread to more than 100 countries around the world.
Although symptoms have generally proved mild, a small number of patients will develop more serious illness.  Many of these people have other underlying health conditions, such as heart or lung disease, that put them at increased risk.


Check your symptoms (on NHS website)
Follow the link below or call 0800 1 513 513

Flu symptoms can include:

  • fever
    weakness and fatigue
    aching muscles and joints
    sore throat
    runny nose

As with any sort of influenza, how bad and how long the symptoms last will depend on treatment and the patient’s individual circumstances.
Most cases reported in the UK have been relatively mild, with those affected starting to recover within a week.

Who is at risk of Swine Flu?

Some groups of people are more at risk of serious illness if they catch swine flu. It is vital that people in these higher risk groups get anti-viral drugs and start taking them as soon as possible – within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms.
Health authorities are still learning about the swine flu virus, but the following people are known to be at higher risk:

  • pregnant women
    people aged 65 years and older
    young children under five years old

People suffering from the following illnesses are also at increased risk:

  • chronic lung disease
    chronic heart disease
    chronic kidney disease
    chronic liver disease
    chronic neurological disease
    Immunosuppression (whether caused by disease or treatment)
    Diabetes mellitus
    patients who have had drug treatment for asthma within the past three years

What is an epidemic and a pandemic?

An epidemic is a sudden outbreak of disease that spreads through a single population or region in a short amount of time.
A pandemic occurs when there is a rapidly-spreading epidemic of a disease that affects most countries and regions of the world.
Covid-19 is a pandemic. Pandemic flu occurs when an influenza virus emerges that is so different from previously circulating strains that few, if any, people have any immunity to it. This allows it to spread widely and rapidly, causing serious illness.

Ordinary flu and pandemic flu – the differences

Ordinary flu:

  • occurs every year during the winter
    affects 10 to 15 per cent of the UK popuation
    most people recover within 1 or 2 weeks without medical treatment
    can be identified in advance and a vaccine can be made (this immunisation is known as the flu jab and helps protect people from ordinary flu)

Pandemic flu:

  • occurs during any season
    affects more people than ordinary flu (up to half the population)
    is a more serious infection
    people of all ages may be at risk of infection
    a vaccine cannot be made because the virus strain has not been identified
    antiviral medicine is stockpiled to treat people

How the flu virus spreads


Always carry clean tissues with you.
When sneezing, sneeze into a tissue. Bin the tissue immediately (don’t pocket it). There’s a simple way to remember this:
CATCH IT. BIN IT. KILL IT. — and wash your hands asap

To reduce the risk of catching or spreading the virus you should:

  • cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, using a tissue
    throw the tissue away quickly and carefully
    wash your hands regularly with soap and water
    clean hard surfaces (like door handles and remote controls) frequently with a normal cleaning product

the global pandemic is plateauing – but remain on guard:

  • always carry tissues – catching the germs in a tissue could help limit the spread of the virus
    know your NHS number (this will be in NHS letters or prescriptions)
    keep up to date with the latest help and advice available through radio, TV and the internet
    confirm your ‘flu friends’ – these are friends and neighbours who can help you if you become ill; they could get your medication or food for you so that you don’t have to leave the house – this will help stop the virus from spreading
    have a two-week stock of food and other supplies in case you and your family are ill

Face masks

There is now actual scientific evidence that proves wearing a face mask will stop you getting the virus. It’s more effective than tissues. But use tissues when sneezing and coughing and wash your hands regularly.

End of UK Government (NHS) information  adapted and brought up to date in places


2. Herbal Antibiotics

Antibiotic Drugs
Herbal antibiotics (antibacterials) act very differently to antibiotic drugs. Antibiotic drugs are designed to kill alien bacteria, but they also kill healthy cells and badly affect general immunity. This makes people who take antibiotic drugs more vulnerable to other illnesses. Antibiotics, also called antibacterials, are a type of antimicrobial drug used in the treatment and prevention of bacterial infections. They may either kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria. A limited number of antibiotics also possess antiprotozoal activity. Antibiotics are not effective against viruses such as the common cold or influenza; drugs which inhibit viruses are termed antiviral drugs or antivirals rather than antibiotics. Herbactive has a tonic antiviral called ColdLess AntiViral Tonic, see above for more info.
Antibiotics revolutionized medicine in the 20th century. Together with vaccination, antibiotics have led to the near eradication of diseases such as tuberculosis in the developed world. However, their effectiveness and easy access have also led to their overuse, prompting bacteria to develop resistance. This has led to widespread problems, so much as to prompt the World Health Organization to classify antimicrobial resistance as a “serious threat [that] is no longer a prediction for the future, it is happening right now in every region of the world and has the potential to affect anyone, of any age, in any country”. Herbs are the answer. The tide is turning.

Herbal Antibiotics
Herbal antibiotics on the other hand work to fight the invading organism and to strengthen the body’s immune system to clear the effects of the bacterial damage and toxic influence in the organs and tissues. It is normally understood that anti-biotics comes from anti-bios “anti-life” and hence arose the term pro-biotics “for life”. But of course Herbactive is not against life, heaven forbid! The herbs in the Antibiotic Tonic is pro-life, working to improve life function, life defences and restore health

Antibiotic Tonic
Herbactive’s unique Antibiotic Tonic contains herbs that are known to kill alien bacteria [including mycoplasmas, bartenellas, fungae, candida overload] to enhance the immune system and restore normal health without any side-effects. email info(at)herbactivehealth.com for information about this tonic and the herb list it contains.

Buy Antibiotic Herbal Tonic


Email – Contact Alan Hopking Herbalist about herbal medicine for treatment of this condition

Related health issues to consider:
Daily Protection
Worry and stress
Immune system strengthening
Lung problems
Bronchial problems

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