Other reasons to look into the herbactive ABC site
Find out about the history of Godshaer renamed Herbactive.
Go home
Find out about the herbs you could use by making a search in the herbal materia medica section, or go to the illnesses A-Z section, or, to make it easy for you, simply email me for information. I normally reply the same day.
Do you want to improve your health? find out here
Do you want to lose weight with our successful weight-reducing method. See our WeightLess page. Or do you struggle with menopausal sweats? Look for FlushLess.
If you are interested in some of the wider aspects of herbalism, or wish to find out about wheatgrass or synergistic herbs, parasite treatment, clearing gall stones, treating a leg ulcer, click here for a full overview – A to Z.
Perhaps you have a searching, enquiring mind, you want to know what drugs come from what herbs, or a short but detailed history of herbalism, or forerunners of modern herbal medicine, or you have a real desire to find out about the deeper aspects and inner purpose of herbalism, then you will not leave without being totally satisfied, or at least with a lot to think about!
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It’s Nature’s Free Gift to All…
Celebrate your health with Alan who recently had his 34th Anniversary as a Medical Herbal Practitioner, by getting yourself healthier – find out what herbal medicines that can help you improve your health and happiness
Visitors Book -View Comments about Our Treatment and Have Your Say
What’s in a name? what’s special about Godshaer Fern?
Find out about the special folk mythology about the Godshaer Fern and its amazing medicinal qualities, while the stream in the forest flows by….
If you want to know about medical herbalism
Go to the full listing of medicinal herbs and their medicinal action and uses, their temperature and meridian influence. Short and to the point. Materia medica
How are our herbal medicines made?
Our herbal medicines are made at our dedicated clinic/dispensary. Our herbal medicines are tinctures at different strengths according to the directions of the British Herbal Pharmacopoei; the strengths of our tinctures range from 1:1, 1:3, 1:5, 1:10; most of our tinctures are 1:5. The tinctures are made from certified organic grain alcohol. The glycerites are alcohol-free extracts made from certified organic vegetable glycerine. Both tinctures and glycerites are cold extracts and allowed to soak (but shaken daily) for a minimum of a month before being pressed out to maximize the extracting quality and strength. We use organic herbs wherever possible. We also use wildcrafted herbs (medicinal herbs collected from the clean, clear countryside).
Our prices are realistic and lower than all who have equivalent extracts. See our prices
If you are visiting the Godshaer/HERBACTIVE site
because you landed up here somehow or you heard about it and had to have a look for yourself, go into the various areas and I guarantee you’ll find something that you’ll like, the EHA tonic,, or the history of herbalism or the information about Hawthon or Horny Goat Weed, or the fascinating story about the Godshaer herb, after which the Clinic and Shop was named.
HERBACTIVE’s Unique* Stevia!
We’d like you to enjoy a sweeter temperament with the balancing action of Stevia on your blood sugar. Life is sweet.
No more highs and lows… Lose weight… Reduce the number of visits to the dentist..
Be healthier by cutting sugar from your diet and replacing it with our whole, very sweet, healthy, glucose free Stevia.
Try it, you’ve got nothing to lose and a lot to gain…
*unique – because we don’t use any fillers or additives; only organic stevia leaf is used
We have many FREE offers to encourage you to go sugar-free with Stevia; time to wake up to Stevia’s health gifts! Hence our FREE GIFTS!
Make this year be your StevYear!
remember to order whole leaf Stevia powder or extract
Always choose whole leaf Stevia powder and whole leaf Stevia liquid. Godshaer Stevia is just that, nothing added, nothing taken away.
Read more about stevioside
Alan Hopking Celebrates over 30 Years as a Herbal Practitioner!
Alan Hopking is the herbal medicine consultant for UK’s leading monthly health
magazine LIVE IT! Naturally.
He writes a monthly article about herbs and herbalism
and answers questions in his column.
See his article on Stevia in UK’s most informative monthly medical health magazine
LIVE IT! Naturally
(find in WHSmith, Borders, Tesco, etc)
Alan also writes articles for ICON Magazine the celebrated monthly for alternative treatments of cancer.
FREE gifts for you – ask for our special offers
Celebrate your health with our herbalist by getting yourself healthier – find out what herbal medicines you need to improve your health and happiness
site map – for complete web content
Finally (or firstly). We must also act for the health of our planet. We need to cut our own carbon emissions; turn down the heating in your home and place of work, use energy efficent light bulbs, drive less (lift your foot off the gas) – walk or bicycle more, recycle, go organic. Rent the movie An Inconvenient Truth and watch it together with your friends and family.
Visit www.climatecrisis.net
Order a HERB or go to our prices page