RosaceaLess Tonic
This is a specific herbal tonic for rosacea. Its action is to reduce the inflammatory response, strengthen the capillary walls, improve the immune system, detoxify the system and help the liver. It also has herbs to help reduce stress and the over-production of cortisol and other causes that imbalance the hormonal system, which in turn can damage fine capillaries, for example on the cheeks and face, resulting in rosacea. The RosaceaLess Tonic has been found to be very helpful by many, especially when the lotion is also applied.
The dose is 1tsp (5ml) two to three times daily in water on an empty stomach. You can also support the internal medicine by applying an external lotion specifically for the condition and taking a highish dose of beta carotene (order this on our store). Also recommended is taking half a teaspoon of ABC Daily Herbal Powder.
Rosacea Lotion needs to be applied sparingly over the affected area 2-4 times daily.
For more on Rosacea, read here.
The herbs included in the Rosacea Tonic:
Horse chestnut. Pulsatilla. Greater burdock root. Golden thread bark. Centaury tops. Gentian root. Witch hazel bark. Butchers broom root.
The herbs included in the Rosacea Lotion
Aloe gel. Marigold. Witch hazel. Chickweed. With DMSO and lavender.