This BloodCleanser Tonic is for chronic conditions to accelerate immune response; adaptogens; immunomodulators; powerful multiherbal tonic to improve the quality of the blood to accelerate the body’s adaptability to stressors and pathogens.
Adaptogens/Blood Cleansers
This specific genre of herbal medicines are also called blood cleansers, blood purifiers, depurulents, alteratives or adaptogens.
Herbs with this action elicit an alteration for the better in the course of an illness. Alteratives are blood purifiers that are used to treat conditions arising from or causing toxicity.
These BloodCleanser Tonic herbs improve the condition of the blood, accelerate elimination, improve digestion, and increase the appetite. They also cleanse the liver, cleanse the skin, regulate the organs and support the immune system.
Herbs in this category include barberry, blue flag, burdock, chaparral, echinacea, figwort, oregon grape root, plantain, pokeroot, prickly ash, queen’s root, red clover, sarsaparilla, sassafras, thuja, wild indigo, yellow dock.
These herbs are best used in combination as a tonic formulation.