PROST – The Preventive Method of Herbactive Herbal Medicine

A protective method you can start today

PROST – Preventive Rotational Organ Strengthening Technique

HERBACTIVE Herbal Method…
embody the understanding that it is better to stay healthy and happy than to get ill and search for a cure, otherwise known as prevention is better than cure.
Based on his long clinical experience Alan Hopking has therefore developed a unique method of rotating his unique herbal health tonics through the 12 months of the year as a life investment. He calls it the Preventive Rotational Organ Strengthening Technique (PROST).

Prost comes from Latin prosit “may it be beneficial”, from prodesse “to be useful”. Prost is the origin of the “toast”—in the sense of “drink a toast to someone”. Likewise in our meaning of Prost we wish to keep ourselves at the peak of health not only for our own happiness and cheer, but also for the happiness of our nearest and dearest. Let’s drink to that. Prost! Cheers! Three cheers!

What does PROST mean?
PROST means Preventive Rotational Organ Strengthening Technique.

How does PROST work?
The method of preventive treatment that Alan Hopking recommends is that by rotating the HERBACTIVE Health Tonics through our systems and organs on a month-by-month basis we can keep them at their optimal functional state.
In this way we prevent the accumulation of toxic stagnation by regulating and restoring normal organ function. With PROST the tonics cleanse the tissues and cells of the systems of the body throughout the year: the ultimate preventive health insurance. You keep your body and mind in optimal condition. As the old saying goes, a pinch of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Prost!

What does the treatment method involve?
The method is based on the low-dose long-term strategy. At the beginning of each month you start a different set of Herbal Health Tonics. The dose that we recommend is 1 teaspoonful (5ml) twice daily (or 10ml once daily). A 300ml tonic will last a month at 10ml daily. Some people may want to use 2 or 3 tonics per month with a dose of 10ml three times daily (10ml of each tonic once daily). This is fine and can be additionally beneficial of course. Now look at the available tonics for each month, see below.

Each Organ System has a Month with PROST.
There are 12 unique systems of the body, one each attributed to each month by Alan Hopking.
Each month select one or two or three tonics to take. The next year choose a different set of tonics per month.

The exception
ABC Daily Herbal NutriPowder Plus is recommended to be taken every day, every month, throughout the year by Alan Hopking. Again the principle of low-dose long-term applies: you need only take half a teaspoon of the powder per day.
This amazing powder containing 50 nutritional herbal powders is essential for your health on a cellular level. For more information about this powder click on the link on the list on the right.
You may also like to enjoy Herbactive unique herbal tea for daily enjoyment and health, called Paradise Garden Tea

The PROST Months of Organs and Tonics
If you want more information about any of the tonics click on the list on the right.
Each herbal health tonic is a specific mixture of herbs for the particular system or organ or condition (eg cholesterol)

Circulatory system: pumping and channelling blood to and from the body and lungs with heart, blood, and blood vessels.
THE 3 PRIMARY TONICS: Heart & Circulation. BloodCleanser. CholesterolLess.
SECONDARY TONICS: LegUlcerLess; Palpitations; VeinLess, Cellulitis.

Digestive System: digestion and processing of food with salivary glands, oesophagus, stomach, intestines, rectum, and anus.
THE 3 PRIMARY TONICS: WormLess (parasites). (Total) Detox. WeightLess. .
SECONDARY TONICS: Anorexia; Coeliac; ColitisLess; ColonCleanse Powder; FissureLess Powder; HeartBurnLess; HerbaLax; HP-Less; IBS-Less; Kombucha Tea; LGS-Less (Leaky Gut Syndrome); MotionLess (Travel Sickness); MouthShield MouthWash and Gargle; MoveLess; MoveMore 1; MoveMore 2; MoveMore XS; PileLess; WindLess. InflammationLess

Endocrine system: communication within the body using hormones made by endocrine glands such as the hypothalamus, pituitary, pineal gland, thyroid, parathyroids, and adrenals.
THE 3 PRIMARY TONICS: EndocrineSeven. SEER EHA. Adrenal Tonic.
SECONDARY TONICS: MelasmaLess Tonic (excess pigmentation); VitiligoLess Tonic (loss of pigmentation); SweatLess; ThyroidLess (for hyperthyroidism, Graves); ThyroidMore (for hypothyroidism, myxoedema).

Integumentary system: skin, hair and nails.
THE 3 PRIMARY TONICS: SkinClear. AgeLess.  HairMoreMen (or HaerHaer for women) with Bhringaraj Hair Oil.
SECONDARY TONICS: ColdSore Lotion; FungalLess; HeadLice Lotion with Quassia; LiceLess; PsoriasisLess; Rosacea; SpotLess; WartLess and lotion.

Immune system: the system that fights off disease; composed of leukocytes, tonsils, adenoids, thymus, and spleen.
THE 3 PRIMARY TONICS: HerbShield. Essiac (known as Caisse-ACT). InfectionLess.
SECONDARY TONICS: ColdLess AntiViral. Synergy Pluss. AIDS-Less; Allergies (not hayfever); HayFeverLess; InfectionLess Tonic; MalariaShield; Noni Juice; TireLess; Wheatgrass.

Lymphatic system: structures involved in the transfer of lymph between tissues and the blood stream, the lymph and the nodes and vessels that transport it.
THE PRIMARY TONICS: LymphCleanse. SpleenShield.

Hepatic System: liver, gallbladder, pancreas.
THE 3 PRIMARY TONICS: LiverDetox. BittersMore. .PancreasMore
SECONDARY TONICS: GallStoneLess; LiverDetox Herb Tea; AlcoholLess (Kudzu) Tonic; Hepatitis C.

Nervous system: collecting, transferring and processing information with brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and nerves
THE 3 PRIMARY TONICS: NerveShield. BrainMore. WorryLess.
SECONDARY TONICS ; DepressionLess; EnergyMore; Epilepsy; ForgetLess; HeadacheLess; HearMore (for deafness); Hi-10-NGen Blend; MentalPepTalk; MigraineLess;; Neuralgia Lotion; Parkinsons Tonic; SciaticaLess; SeeMore; SleepMore; SoundLess; Whole Body-Mind Tonic .

Reproductive system: the sex organs
Female: ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina, mammary glands,
THE 3 PRIMARY TONICS: Women: BreastShield. Herbal VW (Women). PMS-Less.
SECONDARY TONICS BreastMore; ; EndometriosisLess; Fertility (Women); Fertility Tonic for Women with Fibroids; FibroidsLess; FlushLess; HairLess (women); Miscarriage Tonic; MilkMore; MorningSickness; PCOS-Less (polycystic ovary syndrome); ThrushLess (Candida).

Male: testes, vas deferens, seminal vesicles, prostate, and penis.
THE 3 PRIMARY TONICS: Herbal V8. ProstateLess. ProTest.
SECONDARY TONICS Fertility (Men); HaIrMoreMen & Lotion; PE-Less.Testos4Torros

Respiratory system: the organs used for breathing, the pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs, and diaphragm.
THE 3 PRIMARY TONICS: LungShield-COPD. CatarrhLess. BronchiShield.
SECONDARY TONICS: BreathLess; CoughLess Tonic; Cough Syrup; LungShield – Proventative against Cancer (specific); Nasal Congestion and Sinusitis Drops; SmokeLess; Smoking Mixture; SnoreLess.

Musculoskeletal system: movement with muscles and human skeleton (structural support and protection with bones, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons).
THE 3 PRIMARY TONICS: BoneMore. PainLess Joints. SportSupport.
SECONDARY TONICS: BodyBuild Organic Powder; CystLess; EyeDrops (for an Eye Bath); FrozenShoulder; GoutLess; LumbagoLess; MuscleMore; PainLess Joints Lotion; ProlapseLess .

Urinary system: kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra involved in fluid balance, electrolyte balance and excretion of urine.
SECONDARY TONICS: CystitisLess; IC-Less (interstitial cystitis); IncoLess (bladder incontinence); StoneLess (Kidney); WaterLess; WaterMore.

Turn over a new leaf
Start now! What’s the month? Select the tonic(s) you need and start cleansing your cells and organs to prevent future ill health. To be happy you need to be healthy. Illness and disease is suffering, distressing and unnecessary. Turn over a new leaf!

Do you have a friend in need?
Preventive Rotational Organ Strengthening Technique (PROST) is a gift you can start them off on.

Alan Hopking has been practising herbal medicine rotation ever since he was a medical student – over 35 years!

Print this out for yourself and start PROST protection. One (or 3) tonic(s) of 300ml each month. There’s enough of a range to last you all your life. Every year start a new rotation of our highest quality no-nonsense herbal tonics.

Buy your tonics for the month here

Tonic orders and prices click here