A 7-Step Program for Complete Detoxification for Health Restoration – Simplified

Restore your body’s vibrant health

Total Detox Tonic is one of the many remedies used in this powerful program to cleanse the body’s cells and organs and rejuvenate the whole person

The seven steps – introduction

These steps can be completed by anyone. They are simple to do. But they are transformative (your body will rejoice!). Each step will reset one of the many microbiomes in your body. Each microbiome is unique, but each is dependant on the right function of each of the other microbiomes in your system. A microbiome is a unique set of cells and functions for that system. We have all heard of the intestinal microbiome with its range of natural bacteria (over a thousand species – the microbiota) which must be kept in perfect balance to afford us proper digestion and uptake of nutrients and clearing of wastes and toxins. These microbes are living organisms that have evolved with us to enable us to keep healthy – their health results in our health.Yes, but, their health is totally dependant on us. We have the responsibility of keeping them healthy. If we don’t, they get ill, and we get ill as a result. For example, we we eat badly, lots of refined foods, chemical additives, alcohol, etc, they won’t like it. The result will be an ulcer, colitis (direct effects), high blood pressure, poor sleep, hormonal disturbance, etc (knock on effects). You get the picture.

There are basically seven such microbiomes in our body. These can be subdivided into smaller units, as we will see. Can I be honest with you? You are one microbiome with a mind. That’s right: every part of you consists of families of microbes, the result is that you are a thinking, feeling, acting individual with a unique personal identity. Thoughts themselves are microbially induced, and because of the uniqueness of the genome of your being you have freedom to act. Your freedom is dependant on the health of your interdependant microbiomes. Treat any one of your microbiomes badly and you become a slave to parasites and microbial enemies (disease).

So, this program of treatment is designed to reset your health. Clearing old ‘tired’ cells by promoting autophagy, and reactivating stem cells in their place. If you are ill, if you have disease, if your mind or body is malfunctioning, this is a major path to get you better. To restore your health. But as the ancient Greeks said, to stay healthy is easy but to get a cure is difficult. Illness demands, time, dedication and lifestyle change (it’s a full-time occupation).

The primary step is step #1. After this, the steps can be taken according to individual priority.
The seven steps are as follows:

1. The Primary Step. The intestinal microbiome. It is a very large and complex system of microbes that make up an army that works to protect the system from external invasion (foods we eat) and absorption of nutrients for all other systems. Hence it is the first step to take. This includes the mouth, oesophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, small and large intestines. This step MUST be done first (it contols 80% of our immune defences). This will involve cleansing the liver, regulating insulin and cleansing the entire length of the intestines. And improving your diet. The taste microbiome.
The following steps can be taken in random order, according to your preference and inclination:
2. Reproductive microbiome health. Your sexual organs, including your kidneys and bladder. Your relationships. The touch microbiome.
3. Adrenal glands. This microbiome includes skin, bones and muscles health. Also exercise and movement. Also the smell microbiome.
4. Heart and circulation microbiome. This includes the lymphatic system, immune system. Pulse regulation and blood pressure; cholesterol and capillary health. The sense of knowing (intuition).
5. Thyroid health and the metabolic microbiome balance. Also the hearing microbiome.
6. Primary endocrine microbiom (pituitary gland) health. It includes linking the microbiomes of each of the senses.
7. Sleep health. Improving the diurnal rhythm. Sleep – how to deepen and lengthen your sleep. Included are meditation, mindfulness. The seeing microbiome.


Let’s pause and consider how pollutants, toxins, heavy metals, environmental hazards, etc can affect us.

The modern world is awash with chemicals that potentially and actually damage our health, causing long term illness and even serious disease. Every one of us is exposed to a range of poisons that are put into our food (colourants, taste enhancers), or arrive in our food from the farm (in animal products, fertilizers, pesticides, hormonal stimulants, or drugs as antibiotics, etc), even organic foods have some of these chemicals. This is due to the industrialised world in which we live. Also, our personal care products, soap, shampoo, conditioner, shaving foam, deodorants, nail polish, and plastics (and microplastics – microscopic inorganic chemicals that can enter our cells to disrupt them and cause them to misfire and work in an adverse way against normal functional health). Also household cleaning liquids and clothes washing powders. But of most concern are the heavy metals, such as lead, cadmium, arsenic and mercury, as also outdoor air pollutants like oxides of nitrogen and fine mineral particles that can be breathed in by animals and plants, and ourselves. Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) are a class of organic toxins which largely comprise the PCBs and DDT ad their metabolites. POPs include pesticides, industrial chemicals and various bi-products (PCDDs and PCDFs, and PCBs). These have been banned in most western countries for many decades, but despite this they are very stable in the environment and accumulate in body fat. I am only exposing the tip of the iceberg here.

Heavy metals are stored in soft tissue such as the liver and kidney, as well as hard tissues, such as bone. Cadmium emissions have increased dramatically in the last 100 years because products containing them rarely get recycles, but are dumped with household waste. Cigarette smoke contains cadmium. This can lead to kidney damage and bone symptoms and fragility.
Mercury is found in food mainly, i.e. in fish, and dental amalgam. The fish to avoid are shark, swordfish and tuna and other predatory fish. Contamination with mercury and cause mild neurological damage and a risk to the foetus in pregnant women.
Lead contamination mainly comes from the air and food, but also drinking water is an issue due to old lead pipes in homes of old houses. Leaded petrol was a particular concern – and it is still in the atmosphere. Children are particularly at risk because of their high food intake and permeable blood-brain barrier.
Arsenic is an inorganic toxin found in food and drinking water. It is often found in contaminated rice, but also seaweeds and seafood. Accumulation of this heavy metal can lead to skin cancer and other skin lesions like hyperkeratosis and pigmentation changes (usually diagnosed as of unknown cause). Lung cancer is another result that has been identified from exposure to arsenic.

Fungal toxins (mycotoxins) takes place through the consumption of contaminated food such as cereals, spices, and various teas. Also products from animals such as eggs and mild if they animals have been fed with contaminated food. Mycotoxins can be inhaled and they can cause skin problems linked with dust or molds.

Glyphosphate introduced in 1974 (Roundup) became the most extensively used herbicide worldwide. It reportedly can be a risk of causing cancer, it is a factor in endocrine disruption, coeliac disease, autism, and leaky-gut syndrome, and many other conditions.

These toxins can trigger autoimmunity when they combine with a protein which the immune system recognizes as foreign, and it attacks that protein with the toxin, and eventually even if the protein does not have the toxin in it.

With all this in mind, will we ever venture out?! Of course! We have to live our lives, go to work, visit family and friends, play sport or watch sport. But I recommend a total detoxification program for at least a month, and if you have suspicious symptoms as mentioned, you could benefit with a detox lasting two to three months. Clean up your eating habits, buy organic, drink filtered water, exercise until you sweat, practice fasting each week, breathe through your nose to increase nitric oxide and better oxygen delivery to your cells and organs (see my article on this subject under Breathing in the menu), and avoid chemicals in products as much as possible. I recommend TotalDetox Tonic, also LiverDetox Tonic, LiverDetox Tea (dried liver acting roots and herbs), ABC Powder, Heart and Circulation Tonic, LymphCleanse, WormLess, FungalLess, and others tonics that you feel drawn to, to enhance the clearing of all forms of toxins and parasites. Find these at our store.

During your total detox to clear toxins and especially heavy metals, eat more broccoli sprouts and garlic and turmeric (with high curcumin), and drink more dandelion root tea/coffee, or green tea.


What is the Herbactive Total Detox Health-Restoration Program?
These steps need not be taken one after the other. But it is essential for your health to take Step 1 first. We are going on a quantum (inter-related) journey to cleanse the system and get better, and better! To reset your system, to reboot it so that it functions as it wants to, and as it should. To some extent every step can be seen to be done all at the same time. Because we are one organism. It is indivisible. Work on one is work on all. This is program quantum! Very different from Drug Therapy of modern medicine. I will guide you through it and show you how it is done. It is actually quite simple, and natural. We’re heading for enlightenment (an awakening), or rather a regaining of our sense of how to look after yourself every moment (and avoid temptations that would harm our microbiome), an experience of freedom, of health and happiness. It is a way of living with nature in a new way. Don’t worry, you won’t have to change, much. The change will just happen because it is a quantum (inter-related, knock-on) program!

Preventative and restorative
This program is not just for people with cancer or serious disease, but more particularly it is for those who haven’t got any health issues so as to prevent illness and disease and cancer from developing. And come they will if you don’t do this program or something like it. One in two get cancer; one in three people in the world die of cancer. How do we prevent it? I know of no other method quite like this. Let’s start!
When you take the first step, your microbiome will immediately respond – it likes it! That’s because the commensal microbiome wants to be healthy, it evolved over millions of years to stay in balance with its brothers and sisters of other microbiome systems of your body. How to keep yourself there! That’s the key strategy to maintain. This you will learn on this program.
And time is of the essence. The body is amazing. It has been evolving over millions of years. It knows what is right and good. So its response time is like lightning. This is the remarkable quantum action discovered by science (but intuitively always known by us). The human mind and intellect is very young and inexperienced in comparison to the physiological body. This is the problem. The brain-mind tries to rule the body and gets us in a mess. We have politicians and science experts debating endlessly about diet – should we recommend two vegetables a day or five; butter or margarine; how many eggs a day are good for us, etc, it never ends. And it usually contradicts itself a few years later! But the more you eat what is pure nature the quicker the body responds. It evolved with nature. It immediately recognizes good nature to maximize its cellular balance and function. There’s no other way. And chemo is definitely not an option. You must change your thinking. Think nature, sunshine, fresh air. No need to change your job. Just incorporate these 7 steps into your day.
Your therapy is daily. Seven steps. An exciting moment from the time you wake to the time you switch off the light at night. A variable treatment which all works together for you. Acting – Interacting – Coordinating
Easy to do and enjoyable every day.

How long is the regen program?

One day. Then the day after that. And then the next day. Yes, every day. When you start a program, finish it, and then start another. There are seven regen (regenerative) steps but each step has many doors to rooms to clean and refresh. It will take at least x months to complete. From then, you will have the habit of health; it will be second nature to you; health and detox will have merged, and will mean the same thing. Start today and don’t ever look back to your old life. You won’t regret it.

Why Quantum?
Lastly, the reason I call detoxing the body a quantum activity is because the body is one. It is not divided into organs and systems, cells and vessels, nerves and muscles, bones and brain. None of these can exist alone. It is one system. It evolved as one organism. Interacting. Interdependant. No medical method can treat just one organ or system without affecting the others in the whole body. Likewise, to cleanse and regenerate the body it needs to be done for all systems. Each detox on each organ or system will correspondingly impact on the whole of the rest of the body. Immediately. This is why it is quantum. Interactions can’t be quantified, predicted. Affecting everything at once. It’s a lifestyle; a lifeshift.
Do this program, you owe it to yourself.


1. Cleansing your intestines.

This will involve cleansing the entire length of the intestines. And will include removing parasites, negative emotions, the fatty liver, pancreatic spikes and dips, weight excess, and bringing about dietary shift. All achieved by bowel clearing.

The digestive system is the oldest organ in the body. It has the most defenses of any part of the body (80% of the immune system). Through the food it takes in it is the most exposed organ to the outside world (composed of organisms, microbes, toxins, pathogens and healthy nutrients). This organism therefore has to function at its optimum in order to maintain health. To function at its best it needs to be treated well and serviced with the highest standards. We bath and shower, wash and shampoo ourselves daily. But our primary digestive organ is badly neglected. It is claimed that all disease is caused by a diseased digestion. And if the digestion were adequately cleaned and maintained health would probably be restored. Hence, this is the primary step on your road to recovery.

This step will last 3-5 days. Longer if you want to shine. Best to start on Monday (or on Sunday evening)  and end on Friday (or whatever suits you best).

What you will need:
120ml LiverDetox Tonic – dose 1tsp (5ml) 4 times daily in water     Buy
120ml TotalDetox Tonic – dose 2tsp (10ml) twice daily in water morning and night      Buy
50g HerbaLax – Bowel Scrub Powder – dose half to 1tsp night (and possibly the morning as well)      Buy
50g ABC Powder – dose half a tsp (2.5g) twice daily in water morning and evening      Buy

For 5 days (or longer) do not eat any animal food or animal milk product. You may eat fish and eggs. Organic. Do not eat any root vegetable, grains or fruit. Eat cooked greens and salad greens. Organic.
Drink 8 glasses (8 glasses of half a pint, 250ml) of lemon juice water a day plus herb teas. Herb teas (or tinctures of these single herbs e.g. 1tsp in a glass of spring water. Order from our online store) recommended are centaury, peppermint, chamomile, meadowsweet, lemon balm, rosemary – or order our Paradise Garden Tea. No coffee or tea. To reiterate, I recommend that instead of water you take 2-4 fresh lemons and limes and squeeze the fresh lemon and/or lime juice (approx 20-30ml) into a 1-2x2L bottle of spring water and drink 250ml or more each hour through the day. By drinking this quantity you will avoid some unpleasant side-effects from loosening and softening colon wastes, like bloating, discomfort, headaches, constipation and excess wind.
Also, during your 5-day week (or longer) take two days where you skip breakfast e.g. Monday and Friday; and on Wednesday skip both breakfast and lunch, and eat supper at 6 or 6.30pm. During these days as with every day take your daily dose of herbs, as specified above.


Hi Alan, Having done a week on the first step of the quantum detox I’m feeling much clearer with more energy/less tired so have decided to do another week. I didn’t do too well with the fluid intake so will try to drink more water this time. Thanks for all your help. Joan K


Throughout this part of the quantum detox you will be taking the two herbal tonics, viz LiverDetox and TotalDetox (you can opt to take WormLess or a tonic of your choice if you prefer), and the HerbaLax powder to activate your digestive tract so as to soften and loosen the crud that has built-up along your intestinal walls.
The HerbaLax is the most important mixture in this primary program – it will loosen your bowel and cleanse your system, but be careful not to take too much of HerbaLax as it could give you the squirts (diarrhoea), so start with a small dose and increase as needed.
In your bowel movements mucoid plaque and strings of waste and parasitical slurry will come out into your toilet. This crud, often consisting of microbial parasitic colonies that have have festered there for years, has damaged your health. Because the layers of this impacted waste has built-up along the colon walls, inevitably the colon digestive function has caused toxic waste material to be absorbed into your body. These toxins and parasitic microbes have thereby, perhaps over many many years, inhibited the normal functions of your cells and organs, leading to disease, possibly even to abnormal cellular development and spread, infecting other cells and organs. You will experience more bowel movements during the day – a welcome confirmation of the cleansing action of the detox program. This is an indication that our microbiome is being restored. If you do not have a bowel movement during the first day take another teaspoon of the HerbaLax powder, which is made of powerful herbs and spices. If you have more serious issues in the bowel you may want to prepare by having an enema or going for a colonic irrigation with a professional. Email Alan Hopking if you have any questions. You may need to do a second or even a third colon detox if the years of grease and crud build-up is too much to clear in one fortnight.

Quick Overview
On the evening of the day before you start e.g. Sunday evening, take a dose of the tonics (and half-1 tsp of HerbaLax before bedtime). Eat as recommended, see above. Your recipes are your choice. Don’t overeat. Exercise should be your normal daily routine, or at least 20 minutes of brisk walking. Do not over-exert yourself when doing this detox program. Remember to drink as recommended. Take the tonics and powders as prescribed.
Sunday, evening – take the tonics at supper time, and HerbaLax before bedtime.
Monday – skip breakfast, then have a light lunch and dinner.
Tuesday – 3 meals through the day.
Wednesday – skip breakfast and lunch, eat dinner.
Thursday – 3 meals through the day.
Friday – skip breakfast, then eat lunch and dinner.
Saturday – gently return to normal diet (or continue the detox for longer if required).

This will clear all the intestinal crusts away, thereby allowing the intestines and bowel to function as they should, to serve you by taking up the nutritious and health promoting foodstuffs you eat, and expelling the normal wastes of the digestive process. It’ll put a spring in your step, and a glint in your eye.

Send in your feedback to help others in this all-important protocol on the quantum path to health.

Do not do this program if you are pregnant or breast-feeding, or if you have ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s, or other bowel disease. Contact medical herbalist Alan Hopking for advice.`


In herbal medicine, herbs are used with foods to help totally detoxify all the organs to normalize the function of the body and give renewed vitality – body and mind.

“People now carry within their bodies a modern-day chemical cocktail derived from industrial chemicals, pesticides, food additives, heavy metals, anesthetics, and the residues of pharmaceutical, legal, and illegal drugs, and residues from your mercury tooth fillings.”

Each year people are exposed to thousands of toxic chemicals and pollutants in the earth’s atmosphere, water, food preservatives, household detergents, spays and agricultural pesticides, etc. These pollutants manifest themselves in a variety of symptoms, including decreased immune function, neurotoxicity, hormonal dysfunction, psychological disturbances, and even abnormal cell formation. Our detoxification program helps to rid the body of chemicals and pollutants and can facilitate a return to health, or prevent you falling ill in the first place.


Detoxification is the body’s natural process for eliminating or neutralizing toxins via the liver, the kidneys, the urine, the feces, exhalation, and perspiration. Yet, as a result of the industrial revolution and the post-World War II petrochemical revolution, toxins have accumulated in the human system faster than they can be eliminated. People now carry within their bodies a modern-day chemical cocktail derived from industrial chemicals, pesticides, parasitic microbes, food additives, heavy metals, anesthetics, and the residues of pharmaceutical drugs, legal drugs (alcohol, tobacco, caffeine), and illegal drugs (heroin, cocaine, marijuana, E, speed). But these toxins can be eliminated from our bodies to make us feel 100% better. It is preventative in relation to cellular mutation i.e. all cancers.

Today people are exposed to chemicals in far greater concentrations than were previous generations. For example, over 69 million Americans live in areas that exceed smog standards; most drinking water contains over seven hundred chemicals, including excessive levels of lead; some three thousand chemicals are added to the food supply; and as many as ten thousand chemicals in the form of solvents, emulsifiers, and preservatives are used in food processing and storage, which can remain in the body for years. To make matters worse, food and product labels do not always list every ingredient. When people consume these foods – especially seafood, meat, and poultry – they ingest all the chemicals, plastics and pesticides that have remained as contaminants accumulating in the food chain. In this detox program we will clear these “clogants” that prevent our cells and organs from functioning normally.


Everyday products such as petrol (gasoline), paint, household cleansers, cosmetics, pesticides, alcohols, colourants, and dry cleaning fluid also pose a serious threat because the body cannot easily break them down – it didn’t evolve with such pollutants so gets confused when confronted by them and this can result in the system attacking itself (autoimmune diseases). At the same time, ecological changes in the environment are occurring faster than the human organism can adapt to them. As the earth becomes more and more polluted, the body inadvertently becomes a filter that “traps” these pollutants. But there are ways to clear these trapped particles from our cells and organs to make us feel on top of the world.

“I believe that the process of detoxification through special cleansing diets as well as juice and water fasts is the missing link to rejuvenating the body and preventing such chronic diseases as cancer, cardiovascular problems, arthritis, diabetes, and obesity,” says Elson Haas, M.D., Director of the Marin Clinic of Preventive Medicine and Health Education in San Rafael, California. “The modern diet with excess animal proteins, fats, caffeine, alcohol, and chemicals inhibits the optimum function of our cells and tissues. The cleansing of toxins and waste products will restore optimum function and vitality.”

Herbs to help the whole body detoxify: buy Total Detox Tonic, see a full resume of this tonic below. Or to phase out toxins and general inflammation take InflammationLess Tonic


The intestines are a 30ft (10m) tube from mouth to anus. We take foods and liquids into our mouth from the outside world and they are broken down into cells and molecules to feed our organs and whole body and brain. The quality of substance we open our mouths to will affect the performance of the body. If we put a low grade fuel into a high performance car it will stutter and jerk and misfire and fail to go as it does when given the correct fuel.
Get into smoothie making, especially Green Smoothies.


It is estimated that there are a total of 200-220 pathogens in the world. Each one is selfishly only considering its own survival of course …like us! They have evolved over billions of years and have survived where thousands of other organisms have become extinct. They know how to survive by adapting and rapidly reproducing. We are host to millions of friendly bacteria that work to protect us, their host. But the pathogens work against our interests because they didn’t evolve within us. They can become so overwhelming that they eventually kill us. But we have very good weapons to protect us. The apple is a clue.
Detoxification should not be too harsh for us. We have to be kind to our body. Be gentle. Allow it to adapt to a new regime. A very sick, bed-ridden invalid can’t just get up and walk and be normal in a day or even a week. It takes time. So be consolatory to your body. It will respond far quicker than you think given a chance. But the dysbiosis in the intestines will have to be treated with goodness over a number of weeks, even months, to restore its true gold standard. To do that, we must eat real food. Organic, natural, fresh and healthy. The imbalance (dysbiosis) in the gut will be transformed, like giving water to a man dying of thirst in a desert. The gut wall will respond, and reject the crud that has built up along its length. So a program of cleansing and good eating is essential. One way is gentle fasts.
Essential all through this training and transformation is the ABC Daily Nutrional Powder – for complete vitamin and mineral support
Helpful herbs: DigestMore Tonic. ColonCleanse Powder. MoveMore Tonic (for constipation).


I have practiced fasts and juice fasting regularly for over twenty-five years, and my wife Sue has also been a convinced juicer too. I always advise my patients to undertake some form of detoxification periodically to clear wastes and dead cells (called autophagy) and to revitalize the body’s natural functions and healing capacities and prevent the blind-road to cancer. He points out that along with greater mental clarity, the most important and longest lasting effect of detoxification therapy is the reduction of stress on the immune system. Other benefits can include increased vitality, reduced blood pressure and blood fats (cholesterol and triglycerides), and an improved assimilation of vitamins and minerals. Detoxification is instrumental for maintenance of the normal function and integrity of the intestinal flora, and can enhance the natural ability of the body to resist infections, allergies, and skin disorders. Alan Hopking adds that most people will feel mentally and physically rejuvenated after detoxification therapy, with a corresponding reduction in symptoms and disease.

Fasting programs and specific dietary regimens are some of the easiest and most inexpensive and effective methods of detoxification. They involve very little cost other than the purchase of healthy food and spring water. Results depend upon both the patient and the length of the fast. Fasting is often combined with enemas (not essential) and bowel stimulation for the purpose of ridding the body of bacteria and toxins trapped in the bowels. And while a detoxification program is not primarily concerned with weight loss, by introducing a more efficient and healthier way to eat, weight loss can be a very useful result. It is important to note again that before embarking on any kind of fast or diet, one should always consult with a qualified holistic health professional.

Long fasts require medical supervision as well as prior assessment as to levels of nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, to insure that deficiency does not occur. Short weekend fasts are safe for most people, although advice from an appropriate health care professional experienced in detoxification is advisable.
There are basically two types of fasts – water and juice:

Juice Fasting: vegetable juices (equal parts cucumber and celery and other vegetables like kale and a little fruit, including ginger and turmeric root) for detoxification. If desired, green vegetables such as green beans, zucchini, watercress, and parsley can be added. At night you can combine garlic, lemon juice, some grapefruit juice, and olive oil. This is given at bedtime because the liver, a major organ for detoxification, is most active between 11:00 P.M. and 1:00 A.M., according to Traditional Chinese Medicine.

LSD Programme: (LemonSteviaDetox) – this is an amazingly fast programme (just 5 days) to clear a huge amount of toxins in fats, tissues, liver, intestines, which means you will drop up to 5kg of weight. See the full LSD Programme here.

24-36 Hour Water Fast: A water-only fast (twenty-four to thirty-six hours) starting after the evening meal and ending with the next day’s evening meal (24hrs) or the following breakfast (36hrs). Make sure that not less than four and not more than eight pints of spring water (usually with fresh lemon juice) are consumed during each day of the fast. Break the fast with a day of raw foods (fruit/salad only, well chewed, plus the recommended amounts of drinking water), if possible.

Weekend Mono diet: This used to be popular 30 years ago when I first qualified as a herbalist so I will include it, as it could still be relevant for some people. A full weekend monodiet beginning Friday night and extending through to Sunday evening (or equivalent), relying on a single food such as grapes, apples, pears (best choices if you have an allergy history); papaya (ideal if digestive problems are present); or brown rice, buckwheat, millet, or even potatoes (skin and all) boiled and eaten whenever desired. Up to a pound (dry weight) of any grain such as rice or millet may be eaten through the day; taste can be made palatable with the addition of a little lemon juice and olive oil. Or one may eat up to three pounds of potatoes daily. Take 2tsp (10ml) Herbactive Total Detox Herbal Tonic during these important cleansing processes. But the modern attituded to these diets is not favourable because such diets contain too much carbohydrate, and hence, sugar. But if you select the monodiet carefully it could be useful occasionally.

Whichever type of detoxification modality you choose, make sure you rest, keep warm, and don’t have a very strenuous schedule; this should be a time in which you allow all available energy to focus on the cleansing and repairing processes of detoxification.

Remember, eat slowly, chew well, don’t drink with meals, and consume at least two pints of liquid daily between meals. Also, take one tsp ABC Daily Herbal Powder daily and Herbactive Total Detox Herbal Medicine. It helps the cleansing process. NB see the program details at the start of this step for the best guidance.

When the tongue no longer becomes furred during detoxification and headaches no longer appear, these intensive detoxification weekends can be spaced apart – three a month and then two a month and then, as maintenance, once a month thereafter.

Throughout these programs get the support and benefit of Liver Detox Tonic

Colon Cleansing

Colonic irrigation is undoubtedly one of the most effective ways to cleanse the large intestine of accumulated toxins and waste products by drawing toxins from the blood and lymph back into the colon for excretion. With the help of a trained professional and a colonic machine, purified water (which may contain vitamins, herbs, friendly bacteria, or oxygen) is introduced directly into the rectum. Colon therapy can be combined with massage, nutritional programs, and special diets to help cleanse the bowels and aid in the treatment of parasitic infections. It is clear that the Detox Tonic program recommended by Alan Hopking is more beneficial long term, since you remain on the tonic for between one to six months. See below for why this is so. The bitters in these herbs stimulate liver and digestive organs and thereby cleanse the intestines. You can take DigestMore Tonic to facilitate this cleansing shift. To cleanse the colon holistically use ColonCleanse and MoveMore 1 or 2.

To clean the colon, we can also use psyllium, coffee enemas, colon hydrotherapy, cascara, black aloe, rhubarb root, bentonite, slippery elm, buckthorn, humic acid for the whole intestine.
The GIT contains nearly 80% of the immune system. In any illness the first thing to protest is your belly; it sticks out, protests, the immune system reveals that it is bloated, sick.

The emotional toxin of imperil

Alan Hopking also has this advice for long-term detoxification: “Avoid (transmute) the toxic ‘imperil’ of emotional stress, anger, irritation, hatred, impatience, jealousy, criticism and other acid and sour states of mind. These cause disease conditions in the body. Learn to accept yourself. Enjoy your life. Be happy alone and with others. Observe beauty all round you. Live in the present (not in a bitter and regretful past or a frustrated fantasy of a fabulous future). Leave your grief, it does you no good (transform it into love). Watch and listen to birds. Stand and look at the sky. Walk in nature (with your bare feet), hug a tree (feel its power and purity as consciousness). Walk by the sea, a lake, a stream (and dream happy dreams). Dance or skip a little and often (anywhere, whether you feel like it or not, whatever your age); feel its lift, its pleasure. Feel the Eternal Youth inside you. Smile often; laugh heartily. Smell a flower.”

Herbs for emotional issues are WorryLess, MoodStepUp, DepressionLess, NerveShield. We can get you off your drugs and their toxic side-effects that have left you with a restricted lifestyle. There are also trophorestoratives to improve the tissues to reduce painful experiences like oat straw, St John’s wort, black cohosh – ask Alan Hopking to make you a specific herbal medicine for your needs.

B6 is so important for stress and emotional distress. Find it in sweet potato, pumpkin seeds, sea food. It stimulates serotonin (the feel-good neurotransmitter) and is powerfully anti-cancer.

Sugar, Stevia and Vit C

During this stage of the quantum program it is essential to wean off sugar and sugar infested products. There are delicious alternatives including fruits or use natural stevia (see our range of stevia products in our online store) to sweeten your puddings and drinks. Sugar is a cancer risk. It feeds and causes cancer. Cancer cells have over 15 times sugar (insulin) receptors than normal cells – they are highly dependent and greedy for sugar (and will suck it up from your normal healthy cells). If you have cancer your healthy white blood cells need 20 times more vitamin C than normal cells hence the need to take vit C supplement and extra fruit. Remember, white sugar (sucrose) is very different from fructose which is in fruits. The first is deadly, toxic and should not be touched (like fire), the second (fructose) is healthy full of antioxidants and necessary for our health. Eat an apple to celebrate!


Such things as excitotoxins enter our system and cause chaos, havoc with our body’s natural communication systems. Excitotoxins are food-enhancers, glutamine, MSG, white sugar, soya, sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose (use stevia instead), and oils like safflower, soya, sunflower – all these items can cause tumours and cause tumours to increase in size. However, grow sunflower sprouts in your kitchen because they are the best sprouts to grow, packed full of nutrient dense support (said to be 30 times more than other sprouts and foods). Eat celery or drink its juice because it contains apoginin which destroys 86% of lung cancer cells. It also kills cancer cells in the ovaries, pancreas, prostate, breast, and liver.

Eat seeds (black nigella seed is used for pancreatic cancer; black nigella seed is in the ABC Daily Herbal Powder), nuts, beans – anything that grows and is real food – organic always. Organic food is more expensive but the nutrient value of organic food is hugely greater than fertilized and insecticide sprayed crops, and also you won’t take those toxic chemicals into your body that can push the wrong buttons to cause the knock-on effect towards cancer or other diseases.

This is the way to detoxify your intestines, liver, pancreas, etc. You’re eating real living foods, rainbow foods (fruits and veg of all colours), nuts and seeds, some fish, meat, and only a little wheat-based foods and potatoes. We need to detox our whole system so that we have better taste. If you’re not detoxified, you will think that sugary foods are tasty, instead of knowing that they are very sweet, and bad for you. People who have not detoxed their systems don’t like the taste of fruit, or salad – real food; they prefer dead food with a lot of seasoning, sources, mayo, ketchup, and other covers; no wonder they end up sick or with a heart attack, or diabetes, skin diseases, hormonal issues, neuronal conditions, digestive revolt, and so on. Fresh foods are delicious and we have to detox the system thoroughly, quantumly, before we can appreciate their subtle smells, flavours and health-giving vitality. Smell an avocado, a mango, a basil leaf, then taste them – it’s bliss!

Liver Cleanse
To cleanse the liver you can use wonderful classic herbs like dandelion root, milk thistle, burdock root, barberry bark, stone root and now we have been given a range of fantastic herbs from India and China like cork tree bark, sophora, bitter melon and many others. Made as tincture extracts the action of the herbs are stronger and more effective.
Liver cleanses, which also includes the gall bladder, are the best for boosting your self-healing mechanism, this is best done over a 3-week programme. For details of how to do this go to Liver and Gall Bladder Flush.

A fresh juice to cleanse the liver
Here is a juice cleanse for the liver from the Juice Lady:
1 lemon
1 lime
1 orange
1 cup spring water
Ice cubes
1 Tbsp organic virgin olive oil
1 garlic clove
1 small chunk of fresh ginger
Blend in your optimum, or any other blender.


Parasites are a major issue at this time. This is due to the fact that our world has never been as unhealthy as it is now, influenced by the Standard American Diet (SAD). The foods we’re being sold are so unhealthy that they wouldn’t even be sold in a pet shop. This is reflected by the farming industry which was trying to be supernatural by producing super-big vegetables and fruits on a vast scale. It was inevitable it was going to run out of validity and fall with a devastating crash. It is still sliding, destroying itself and all that still use it. Fertilizers, poisonous sprays, poisons in drinking water, heavy metal toxins in foods and water, GE foods, chemical enhancers, flavour chemicals, colourants, salt and worst of all …sugar, sugar, sugar. It all amounted to both a destruction or diminution of the natural constituents in foods and a consequential deadly damage of the immune system of the world’s population. The result: parasitic explosion in the form of pathogens, microbes, viruses, fungus, worms and candida. This has caused uncontrollable disease in the form of diabetes, cancer, AIDS, auto-immune diseases, illnesses with no diagnoses, genetic distortions, mental derangements, depressions, stress, heart disease, and so on. Medical services and hospitals cannot cope. Death lurks on every doorstep. Scary. So important to do this quantum detox program. And even more reason to take a spoon of over 100 herbs in the ABC Daily Nutrional Powder – for complete vitamin and mineral support.
ColdLess AntiViral Tonic has been formulated to protect us from all viruses, including coronaviruses, which can invade a weakly defended gastro-intestinal system and cause serious inflammation and infectious illnesses. The clearing of the colon is essential for getting your health back. It only takes a week to help change your life for good.
WormLess Tonic is a specific herbal action medicine to both kill the multiple disabling, rampant, intracellular and gross worms and microscopic bacteria, mycobacteria, bartonella, viruses, fungi, as well as developing and restoring the immune system in all the organs. Find out about and how to use WormLess Tonic to clear parasitic worms large and microscopic from your intestines and all the organs of your body. A central essential of all detoxification of the body to restore health.

Your quantum lifeshift has started!

The following steps can be taken in random order, according to your preference and inclination:

2. Sexual health, hormonal balance. Kidneys cleansing. Bladder strengthening. Improving relationships.

This step incorporates the sex glands, the kidneys and bladder and all that these involve on an emotional level.

Some of the herbal tonics you may like to work with are: KidneyShield, StoneLess Kidneys, ProstateLess, FlushLess (for menopause), PMS-Less (for period pain etc.), Testos4Torros Tonic, Progesteronal Tonic, ProTest Tonic, OUC-Shield Tonic, CystitisLess Tonic, IC-Less (interstitial cystitis) Tonic.

There are many great herbs to help detox the kidneys. Here are some of the best:
Couch grass, Urva Ursi leaf, Horseradish root, Bupleurum, Heather tops, Wild Carrot, Cardamom, Gravel root, Hydrangea, Gold Coin Grass, Pellitory of the Wall, Green Blackberry fruit, Butchers Broom root, Schizandra berry, Dandelion leaf. See other plants details below.
If you would like to work with any one or combo of these herbs, they are all available to buy as tinctures, and can mixed for you by our medical herbalist, Alan Hopking.

These are included in the unique health formula called KidneyShield Tonic.

Herbs to drain stagnant water in your body
You can use certain herbs as cleansers, diuretics, increasing the flow of water waste removal through the kidneys and bladder and out as urine. These herbs also help to drain pools of stagnant water (oedema) in the tissues, improving the circulation of both blood and lymph. These herbs are often dismissed as of low relevance in herbal medicine, but I rate them very highly with a unique and necessary function. What’s more, they clean the tiny tubules (nephrons) in the kidneys themselves so they become more efficient. When the kidneys do their work properly you will never get sand, gravel or stones in your kidneys or bladder. Stones are a sign of stagnation and concentration of urinary particles. These herbs are a fantastic stimulant to cleanse and detoxify our whole renal system. If you know your wild plants, collect them fresh and blend them in water as a smoothie with other green plants e.g. kale, or buy our tonic specifically made for this purpose. These are the best herbs for the water-increasing cleansing function of the kidney system: Agathosma. Agrimony. Agropyron.. Wild Indigo root. Horsetail. Juniper. Dandelion leaf. These powerful herbs are included in our unique diuretic called WaterMore Tonic.

What do your kidneys do?
Your kidneys are a very important pair of organs that look like oversized kidney beans. They weigh approx 135-150 grams. They are located on each side of your spine at the bottom of your rib cage. Their work is to filter and return up to 170 liters of blood to your bloodstream within every 24 hours. At the same time as filtering all of the blood of the body, the kidneys also help to remove any chemicals, wastes, and toxins to a fluid that can be excreted through urine. They also help to regulate your body’s salt, potassium, and acid content, as well as your blood pressure. It regulates your body’s water balance. It also produces a hormone called erythropoietin, which makes your red blood cells, and an active form of vitamin D called calcitriol.
Blood sugar
Blood sugar (blood glucose) is the main sugar located in your blood that comes from food. Unless you are leading a fat-adapted ketogenic lifestyle, this is your body’s main source of energy. Your blood transports this glucose to your cells throughout your body for energy. Diabetes is a disease characterized by too high blood sugar levels. Prediabetes is a precursor and risk factor for diabetes in which your blood sugar levels are high but not quite high to meet a diabetes diagnosis. Even if you are not dealing with diabetes or prediabetes, you may be experiencing symptoms of insulin resistance or blood sugar imbalances, which can affect your overall health and increase your risk of diabetes.
Paying attention to your blood sugar is critical for kidney health. Diabetes is the leading cause of chronic kidney disease and prediabetes and blood sugar imbalances can increase your risk of kidney issues. However, managing your blood sugar levels and keeping them stable and healthy can lower your risk of kidney disease or help to slow or stop the progression of kidney disease.
Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are one of the culprits behind many health issues and age-related diseases (5). According to a 2005 study published in the American Journal of Physiology Renal Physiology, a decrease in renal function increases circulating AGE concentrations, which can be very prominent in diabetic nephropathy as well as diabetic and non-diabetic renal diseases. A 2016 systematic review published in the American Journal of Physiology Renal Physiology, insulin resistance is an early metabolic change in those with chronic kidney disease. It may develop while filtration is still normal, but turns universal at the late stages of kidney failure. Insulin resistance is multi-natured in chronic kidney disease.
It often co-occurs with and is affected by chronic inflammation, oxidative stress, vitamin D deficiency, poor gut microbiome balance, vitamin D deficiency, physical inactivity, anemia, and adipokine derangement. According to the review, insulin resistance contributes to the risk and progression of chronic kidney disease.
According to a 2018 study published in the Clinical Medical Insights of Endocrinological Diabetes, insulin resistance can lead to a 40 to 100 percent increased risk of chronic kidney disease. It also increases the risk of inflammation and cardiovascular disease. A 2019 cohort study published in BMC Nephrology has also found that insulin resistance can increase the risk and progression of chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular health issues, and even related death.
The good news is that as the 2016 systematic review we’ve discussed explains, insulin resistance is a modifiable risk factor. Reducing insulin resistance and improving insulin sensitivity may lower the risk and progression of chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular issues, and related death.
Best Foods For Kidney Health
Nutrition is always one of the best strategies to improve your health. Eating a nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory diet free from refined sugar, refined oils, processed food, and junk food and high in greens, vegetables, low-glycemic index fruits, herbs, spices, healthy fats, fermented food, and clean animal protein is critical for your kidney health.
To specifically support your kidney, I recommend that you add some kidney-supporting food to your daily diet. Here are some of the best foods for kidney health:

Cucumbers are a very low-calorie vegetable with a very high water content that helps your body to stay hydrated and detoxify. It may help your body to remove toxins and resolve small kidney stones.
According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), National Institute for Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDKD), eating cucumbers may also help people to reduce their protein intake which is an important strategy for those with chronic kidney disease.

Celery is another high water-content and antioxidant-rich vegetable that may aid detoxification and kidney health. According to a 2019 rat study published in the Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences, the anticalculi activity in celery may help to dissolve kidney stones.

Dandelion Greens
Dandelions are one of the most overlooked plants in the garden. Dandelions are yellow flowers that can be found everywhere in your garden and flower beds, also in parks and open fields throughout spring and summer. They are practically free food. You can even dig up their roots to roast and make a very healthy coffee to benefit your liver. A 2009 study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine has found that dandelion greens have diuretic benefits that can benefit your kidney health.

Beets are a popular sweet root vegetable that is great for your kidneys and liver. They are delicious raw, cooked, and within a green juice. According to a 2020 review published in Nutrition & Metabolism, beetroot may be beneficial for metabolic diseases, kidney function among those with renal diseases, and blood pressure health. Remember these veggies are very sweet so it is not recommended to eat a lot of these either as a veg or in juices.

Berries are low glycemic index and high-water content fruit that benefit your health and detoxification. Blueberries are particularly great for their antioxidant and kidney-health benefits. A 2014 animal study published in PLoS One has found that eating a diet rich in blueberries may improve renal function.
Citric acid is an organic compound that is found in many fruits and fruit juices including lemon and lime. It is highly beneficial for people with kidney stones as it may help to prevent the formation of kidney stones by breaking down smaller stones just as they begin to form). According to a 2014 study in the Korean Journal of Urology, low urinary citrate is common in those with kidney stones and increasing foods high in citric acid, such as lime and lemons can benefit them.

Lemons are similar to limes with similar health benefits. Due to their citric acid content, they may help to break down small kidney stones and benefit kidney health. Simply adding 4 oz of lemon juice a day can make a difference according to the 2014 study in the Korean Journal of Urology.

Onions are a fantastic vegetable that not only provides a great flavor to your meals but offer many health benefits. According to a 2017 study published in the Journal of Hypertension, allium vegetables, such as onion and garlic, may reduce the risk of chronic kidney disease by 32 percent, cardiovascular disease by 64 percent, and hypertension by 26 percent.

Broccoli is a high-fiber cruciferous vegetable. According to a 2020 study published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, taking cruciferous broccoli powder supplementation high the precursor to antioxidant-activating sulforaphane reduced kidney injury by knocking out the GSTM1 enzyme in mice.

Best Herbs For Kidney Health
Additionally to kidney-supporting vegetables, you can support your kidney health with the help of some powerful herbs that you can add to your dishes, make tea out of, or use them as part of a kidney-supporting supplement. Here are some of the best herbs for kidney health:

Parsley is a popular herb used in salads, soup, and various meals, and often as garnish. It is highly anti-inflammatory and high in antioxidants. According to a 2018 study published in the International Journal of Molecular Science, parsley has diuretic properties and may help to prevent the formation of kidney stones.
Cilantro is a popular spicy herb often used in salads, salsa, dressing, soups, and certain dishes. A 2015 rat study published in Interdisciplinary Toxicology, cilantro has biotherapeutic properties that may be beneficial against gentamicin-induced renal damage.
Horsetail is an herbal remedy that has been used since the Ancient Greeks and Romans usually as a tea for various health ailments including kidney stones. According to a 2014 randomized, double-blind clinical trial published in Evidence-Based Complementary Alternative Medicine, horsetail has diuretic effects that may benefit kidney health.
Burdock is a root vegetable from Asia and Europe that’s now also grown in the United States. It is used for its natural medicinal properties as a tea. It is a diuretic that can help your body to get rid of excess fluid. According to a 2011 review published in Inflammopharmacology, burdock can support detoxification, help to remove toxins from the blood hence support the kidney’s filtration process.
Stinging Nettle
Stinging nettle is a nutritious herb with a multitude of health benefits. The National Kidney Foundation recommends stinging nettle as a beneficial herb for kidney disease among other potassium-containing herbs.
Milk Thistle
Milk thistle is a powerful herb that’s often recommended for kidney and liver health. A 2010 study published in Renal Failure has found that milk thistle extract may help to improve kidney activity and prevent diabetic nephropathy in diabetic rats.
Herbal tonics to take to regulate and detoxify this system: KidneyShield, StoneLess Kidneys, ProstateLess, FlushLess (for menopause), PMS-Less (for period pain etc.), Testos4Torros Tonic, Progesteronal Tonic, ProTest Tonic.

3. Adrenal stress release. Bone health. Mouth teeth and gums. Muscle strengthening. Also exercise and movement.

The specific herbal tonics to cleanse and support this system are SkinClear Tonic, Adrenal Tonic, MuscleMore Tonic, MouthShield and MpouthShield Toothpast, SportSupport, BoneMore.
Indications that the system of the body may need detoxification are headaches, joint pain, recurrent respiratory problems, back pain, allergy symptoms, insomnia, mood changes, and food allergies. Conditions such as arthritis, constipation, hemorrhoids, sinus congestion, ulcers, psoriasis, skin conditions and acne, growths, chronic illnesses and abnormal cell formation strongly suggest the need for detoxification, and the support of Herbactive’s Total Detox Herbal Tonic (see a full description of this tonic below).

Detox Baths
For poisoning from irradiated food (Cobalt 60): Dissolve two pounds of baking soda in a tub of very hot water, and sit in it. As the water begins to cool down, the toxins pass through the skin by osmosis.

For general radiation: Add one pound each of sea salt and baking soda to hot water and sit in the bath until the water has cooled down.

For heavy metals, insecticides, and carbon monoxide: Add one cup of Clorox to a hot bath and soak in it until the temperature cools down. This method can help eliminate environmental toxins such as lead, aluminum, insecticides, and the chemicals released from car exhaust.

Detoxification of the skin
You can do a number of things during the process to help aid the natural cleansing ability of the body. The following can be used beneficially while on Herbactive SkinClear Tonic

Hydrotherapy: Epsom salts baths or wet sheet packs, once weekly.

Skin brushing: To assist the skin elimination function, daily. Use you hand as a brush or buy a special skin brush.

Stretching and relaxation exercises: Practice daily.

Aerobic exercise (if appropriate): Brisk walking, jogging, dancing, etc., daily except if you’re on a fast.

Aromatherapy: Use of appropriate (to your condition) essential aromatherapy oils, in baths or as part of massage.

Breathing, relaxation, and meditation methods: Daily for at least ten to fifteen minutes, twice if possible. If your mind is like a butterfly try our MentalPepTalk tonic to help you focus for longer, or go here to read about how to proactice Mindfulness.

The spine, bones and teeth
The spine connects the immune system the spleen and feet. Any nerve impingement is a form of adrenal fight and flight. Meditation and yoga are part of the treatment of the nervous system.
Each tooth connects to an organ. It seems that breast cancer is linked to root canals. The canals when they become infected are full of bugs. This can cause systemic inflammation. New dentistry is using biooxidative therapy. This uses ozone or h2o2 (food grade hydrogen peroxide) into the body to kill off pathogens.
Poisons in the mouth can lead to cancer. Poisons can cause inflammation, and chronic inflammation in the body can eventually lead to cancer. Make sure you clean your teeth properly twice daily (preferably with a quality electronic toothbrush) to remove plaque which causes inflammatory and infective gum disease. Our MouthShield is a great help as a mouthwash to fight gum disease and tongue problems.
Mercury fillings are usually 40% with 60% with other metals. Mercury is a known toxin. It is not used these days. It can cause cancer.
Fluoride is one of the top 10 toxic chemicals. It activates gene-based cancers including leukaemia. Try and drink spring water if you can (seek out a local spring or well).
Iodine is necessary for every cancer patient to take as it is essential for endocrine glands, immune system. Iodine deficiency causes cysts e.g. in the breast. Iodine stops cancer multiplying. As a supplement it is essential. Iodine is found in Sheep Sorrel. Is this why Sheep Sorrel used in Essiac (Caisse-ACT) and HerbShield is so effective for cancer? Other useful herbs with high iodine: kelp or bladderwrack and garlic. All these iodine-rich herbs are in the ABC Daily Nutrional Powder.

4. Heart and circulation, lymph, immune system. Pulse and blood pressure; cholesterol and capillary health.

Herbal tonics to use to help detox and regulate this important system: Heart and Circulation, LymphCleanse, LungShield, HerbShield, BreathLess, BloodCleanser, Caisse-ACT.

Above the heart is the thymus gland. It is an endocrine gland – an organ that produced a chemical messenger of hormones which uses the blood stream to to send support and balance to other parts of the body. Thymosin is the hormone. It is the central key to the immune system. If this gland is damaged or compromised in any way the whole immune system is curtailed in its action. It is intimately related to the lymphatic system. Herbs to help strengthen the immune system are found in HerbShield and Caisse-ACT.

According to Zane Gard, M.D., of Beaverton, Oregon, bioaccumulation (a buildup in the body of foreign substances) seriously compromises physiological and psychological health. Over the last ten years, hundreds of studies have demonstrated the dangers to health from toxic bioaccumulation.4

“A body with a healthy immune system, efficient organs of elimination and detoxification, and a sound circulatory and nervous system can handle a great deal of toxicity,” states Leon Chaitow, N.D., D.O., of London, England. “But if they have been damaged from chronic exposure to environmental pollutants, restoring these functions, organs, and systems can be accomplished only through detoxification therapies, including fasting, chelation, and nutritional, herbal, methods, which accelerate the body’s own natural cleansing processes. These therapies will dominate medical thinking in the years ahead.”

The Lymphatic System and Breathing

Lymph is a clear fluid containing lymphocytes (T-cells and B-cells of the immune system) which circulate through the channels of the lymphatic system carrying waste away from all parts of the body to the lymph nodes. The lymph nodes filter out the wastes in the lymph, particularly bacteria, preventing it from entering the bloodstream, while at the same time allowing the lymphocytes to pass through.

Jack Shields, M.D., a lymphologist from Santa Barbara, California, conducted a study on the effects of breathing on the lymphatic system. Using cameras inside the body, he found that deep, diaphragmatic breathing stimulated the cleansing of the lymph system by creating a vacuum effect which sucked the lymph through the bloodstream. This increased the rate of toxic elimination by as much as fifteen times the normal pace.9 With Herbactive’s LymphCleanse Tonic and deep breathing the lymphatic system is stimulated by breaking open sealed and calcified vessels, increasing blood circulation, reducing oedema and carrying away waste products which have built up in the tissues, thereby inducing detoxification. See LymphCleanse Herbal Tonic. For improving lung function, see our LungShield and BreathLess..

Massage and manual lymphatic drainage: As often as available, twice weekly if possible. Ask your partner to give you an intuitive massage, use lavender, ylang ylang, or a mixture of oils in almond or sunflower oil.

Vitamin C Therapy

Each year, more and more studies on vitamin C confirm its importance in healing and maintaining health. The relationship between vitamin C and body toxicity is complex. For example, if a person is deficient in vitamin C, he or she becomes far more susceptible to environmental pollutants. Conversely, exposure to various toxins, like lead or benzene, will deplete the person’s vitamin C stores. Evidence also suggests that vitamin C deficiency hampers the body’s own detoxification process.

As a detoxification agent, vitamin C combines with certain toxins in the body and destroys them.5 According to Robert Cathcart, III, M.D., of Los Altos, California, vitamin C functions as a free-radical scavenger, neutralizing the immunosuppressive toxins produced by infectious diseases. Dr. Cathcart has successfully treated over eleven thousand patients with vitamin C therapy, and his results have been widely published in professional journals. Alan Hopking is a strong believer in the power of Vitamin C and recommends it at a higher dose during his Detox program. Order our 500g tub of vitamin C powder.

Chelation Therapy

Our Detox tonic can be taken to clean the blood and clear toxins from the tissues and blood vessels. In chelation therapy, a synthetic amino acid known as EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) is administered intravenously and binds to various toxic metals in the blood, such as lead, cadmium, and aluminum. The toxins are then flushed from the body through the kidneys. Although it has been used primarily in the past to treat cases of lead poisoning, many doctors have found that EDTA can remove the calcium and plaque present in the walls of arteries in atherosclerosis, the major cause of heart disease. Our Detox is designed to do this over a longer period of time. For this purpose it may be usefully combined with Herbactive’s Heart and Circulation Tonic, or BloodCleanser Tonic.

Sauna, Vitamins, Exercise and Juice

The heat of a sauna is now known to kill cancer cells. A good exercise routine prior to entering the sauna is useful. Sauna “sweat-out” is of value. Hyperthermia can be combined with detoxification. Heating up the body, acting rather like general inflammation causes the immune system to increase its action. Hyperthermia also affects numerous other body systems, including the cardiovascular, endocrine, neurological, neuromuscular, bronchopulmonary, blood, skin, as well as the immune system. It helps remove fat-stored toxins from the body aided by a good detox remedy such as Herbactive’s Detox Tonic. The Weight Loss Tonic is also designed to remove toxins in the fat. “Heat stress,” says Dr. Gard, “can also remove calcium deposits from the blood vessels and break down scar tissue from their walls.” Other studies demonstrate that hyperthermia can remove chemicals such as DDE (a metabolite of DDT), PCB’s (polychlorinated biphenyls), and dioxin from fat cells.7 Hot baths as described above can also act in a similar way but obviously not as effectively as a sauna.

The lymph system

The lymph glands are numerous (100) in the body. They can be effectively flushed, cleansed and regenerated by certain unique herbs that have a direct action on the lymphatic system and glands. The major herb that does this is cleavers (Galium aparine). It is a common herb in England and Europe. Gather the fresh herb which you will find in hedgerows growing up like an upflowing waterfall, and juice it or blend it for fresh juice to cleanse your lymph glands and nodes. It is one of the principle herbs that fights cancer working through the lymph glands. Another is pokeweed, or poke root (Phytolacca). This is a very powerful herb for the lymphatics. It is anticancer and combines perfectly with cleavers to detox and rebuild and strengthen the action of lymphatic fluid. The lymph system is a cleansing river for the body. It takes bugs out of the body and delivers them to the blood which dumps them into the liver and out through the colon. A wonderful system providing they are all working well. Our primary lymphatic tonic is called LymphCleanse containing all the premier herbs specific to the lymphatic system.

Daily nutritional supplementation taking the ABC Daily Herbal NutriPowder Plus is recommended throughout the detoxification process (up to 18 months for cancer patients) and long-term.

5. Thyroid health and metabolic balance. To include the creative arts which may involve music, singing, theatre, speech, service, volunteering.

“The current level of chemicals in the food and water supply and the indoor and outdoor environment has lowered our threshold of resistance to disease and has altered our body’s metabolism, causing enzyme dysfunction, nutritional deficiencies, and hormonal imbalances,” says Marshall Mandell, M.D., father of the field of bioecologic medicine.

Sound therapy – stabilizes the electric energy in the body. It kills pain, inflammation. Used for tumors. 3-minute session. When the twitching stops the treatment is completed. It stabilizes energy. Used for cancer. Little do we know it, but sound is important for healing. Our ears and our hearing are key contributors to our sense of who we really are, our identity. Our hearing is directly linked to our thyroid, our voice, communication, creativity. By keeping our ears and hearing in tune, the harmony regulates the metabolism, the breathing and the rhythm of life. The ears (or auditory nerve) also controls the labyrinth in the ears. When a virus, or parasite enters this system, labythinthitis can occur, tinnitus, glue ear, hearing loss. There are herbs for the ears, to clear them and to work on the cranial nerve. see SoundLess tonic. Other corrective herbal tonics are DeafnessLess, LabyrinthitisLess, Menieres tonic, MotionLess (for travel sickness). Find them in our store.

Herbal tonics to detox this system: WeightLess, EnergyMore, tonics for depression, Thyroid support. It is important to lose weight if you are overweight. Fat stores an abundance of toxins and even parasites and pathogens which are harming your health. Go on a program of weight reduction using freshly juices vegetables and fruits, green smoothies, and regular 2-3 day fasts.

You’re also recommended to take up a musical instrument, any, even bongo drums, to enjoy (but don’t think of becoming a meistro!). Mix with other people, friends or strangers on a tour, and learn to laugh (but don’t be a fool!) so that you can feel the affection and welcome of others. Volunteer with a local environmental group, forest, meadow, marsh, or charity, go on organised litter picks on the beach or in your park, so you can feel the gift of working for no reward (money) except to benefit the community or nature (and you will get rewarded in your emotions and sense of worth and confidence; and friendships are forged).

6. Pituitary health. This can also involve reassessing your direction and purpose; how to improve your mental focus for better integration in your chosen path.

According to David Steinman, former representative of the public interest at the National Academy of Sciences, everyone has a specific level of tolerance that cannot be exceeded if good health is to be maintained. If the amount of toxins within the body stays below that level, the body can usually adapt and rid itself of these. “However,” says Steinman, “when the system is overwhelmed, the body’s defense mechanism malfunctions, and symptoms such as fatigue, confusion, aggression, or mental disorder may occur.”

Here we should try to impose a purpose and direction to our lives, no matter how young or old we are. To be rudderless helps no one, least of all you yourself. Get something you enjoy to do be it gardening, research, organising events, becoming a member of a local group or committee, learn an art, give yourself a project and get involved with others of the same mind.

This is hormonal! But a balance of all the hormones together. You become an integrated person, humble and sincere, trying to become fulfilled, and feeling at one with yourself. This regenerates your brain, hypothalamus, memories, and future realisation. You’re learning to be a quantum person. And there’s nothing stopping you.

Herbal tonics for this system: EndocrineSeven, ProTest, Progesteronal. Find them in our store

7. Pineal health. Improving the diurnal rhythm. Sleep – how to deepen and lengthen your sleep. Included are meditation, mindfulness, visualization, and a sense of alignment, and peace.

Light therapy. Infra-red saunas – penetrates to the tumor. Used with a hyperthermia machine. Cancer cells are heat sensitive (normal cells are heat resistant). It is non-invasive. It gets to superficial and deep tumours. It reduces 50% of angiogenesis to the cancer. This kills bacteria, virus, fungus and kills Lyme Disease bugs too. See our LymeShield Herbal Tonic

It is important to sleep well – deep and long (8 hours is recommended) so that you detox properly and the healing restoration is complete every day. Learn to meditate (wakeful sleep) to de-stress your whole system; or learn how to go on a visualisation journey. Learn how to use mindfulness in your daily routine. Take an interest in astronomy and the universe (and our tiny speck in the vast infinitude of space), evolution and the big bang theory, think about birth and death of peoples, animals, civilizations, and planets, stars, and the universe itself, and then think how lucky we are to have consciousness, awareness, of all these amazing things that are happening around us. It regenerates the brain and spirit of who we are. You respect every thing, every life, and wish to harm nothing and no one. Peace.

Our eyes and sight are important organs linked with this step. Our eyes are also linked with our liver (clear your liver improve your eyes). Darkness (ignorance) surrounds us and we must clear our vision so that we don’t step off the path of light (of good health and happiness). This can be helped by working to detox the eyesight. The eyes evolved in relation to the sunlight (fish that chose to live at the pitch dark bottom of the ocean at first evolved eyes but they subsequently evolved in blindness, they lost the ability to see). Go to SeeMore to find out more about the eyes and the herbs to clear them and restore their right function. We need the eyes of Superman so that we can see clearly what we’re eating, avoiding chemicals and sugar, and discern which way to turn on our way to health; we cannot do this when we are ill. That’s why there are doctors and health practitioners (but many doctors have not had their eyes opened), to help people who have strayed from the path of health.

Herbal tonics for this system: SleepMore, MoodStepUp, MentalPepTalk, ForgetLess, BrainMore, Seer EHA, SeeMore.


1. Environmental Protection Agency. “EPA Data Show Steady Progress in Cleaning Nation’s Air.” Environmental News (Oct, 1992). As reported in “Did You Know” Our Toxic Times 3 no. 12 (Dec, 1992):5.

2. Environmental Protection Agency. “130 Cities Exceed Lead Levels for Drinking Water.” Environmental News (Oct, 1992). As reported in “Did You Know” Our Toxic Times 3 no. 12 (Dec, 1992):3.

3. Saifer, P., M.D. Detox. Los Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc., 1984.

4. Schnare, D. W. The Unpolluting of Man. Los Angeles: Foundation Essay Series Foundation for Advancements in Science and Education, and. Video.


Good afternoon Alan, I would like to pass on how good the tonics are working and also how much of a difference they have made to my health. After starting using the WormLess tonic it has made a huge improvement in ensuring that I am no longer requiring extra sleep throughout the day, I’m also having a lot less numbness throughout my body!
I cannot say how much of a difference that it has done since I managed to pick up the parasitical infection that the doctors methods were not working at all.
Additionally, and to try to ensure that my whole body is on the road to recovery, I must also say another big thank you for the Total Detox preparation and also the ABC daily nutripowder plus, everything is working so well and I am indebted to your knowledge and recommendations.
Best regards, Ian

Alan Hopking says that great care must be taken to ensure the safe and effective removal of toxins, and any detailed detoxification therapy should be administered only after a consultation with a qualified health professional.

Exercise, adequate fluid intake along with carrot juice and other green juices are recommended, and proper breathing is emphasized throughout this program.

Herbs used in Total Detox Tonic

The signature of a total detox herbal tonic is to clear, detox, every organ and system of the body. This means that we need in this tonic a herb or a number of herbs to do this very specific work. We need herbs for each organ and system to detox the cells and stores of the organs. This means we need to clear the kidneys and bladder. The sex organs and reproductive system. The pancreas, liver, stomach and intestinal system. The heart, circulation, lymph glands and whole lymphatic system. The spleen. The skin tissues (the largest organ of the body). The lungs. The bones and marrow. The brain and whole nervous system (motor and autonomic). This is a big task. But well within the remit of herbal medicine.

Let’s carefully select herbs for each and every system for detoxification purposes. Herbs such as yellow dock root (cholagogue; psoriasis and skin problems; blood cleanser, liver and gall bladder), Chinese Sheng Ma tuber (diaphoretic, detoxification; common cold with sore throat, measles, headache; LU, SP, ST, LI), asafoetida (expectorant; digestive, anthelmintic – worms, parasites; detoxification, tumours; pungent, bitter, warm; LIV SP ST), milk thistle seed (hepatic, galactogogue, reversal of toxic liver damage as well as protection from potential hepatotoxic agents, silymarin has been shown to reverse the effects of highly toxic alkaloids), cork tree bark (detoxification; damp-heat excess, jaundice, urination painful (cystitis), dark leucorrhoea, vaginal swelling and pain, arthritic and rheumatic pain; skin diseases; yin deficiency; nocturnal emissions; dysentery, enteritis, cystitis, urethritis, lowers blood pressure and blood sugar, diarrhoea, acute urinary infection, eczema, detoxification; bitter, cold; KI BL LI), butcher’s broom root (deobstruent, aperient; oedema (dropsy), urinary obstructions, nephritis, bladder gravel, kidney stones, scrofulous tumours, respiratory catarrh, shortness of breath; cleansing and opening (detoxification), broken bones, joint dislocation; treatment and prevention of varicose veins and haemorrhoids; it promotes venous circulation in the lower limbs (indicated for varicose ulcers) and has anti-inflammatory properties; active constituent: ruscogenins), barbat root (boils, diuretic, reduces swellings; liver disease, detoxification; hepatitis, cirrhosis, ascites, abscesses, ulcers in stomach and lungs; abnormal cell formation in lungs, stomach and intestines; bitter, cold; LIV ST), black walnut leaves and husks (liver dysfunction, skin eruptions exudative, vermifuge [anti-parasitic]), Buddha’s medicinal fruit (myrobalan) (detoxification, astringent, anti-diarrhoeic, haemostatic; helps concentration, forgetfulness, mental attentiveness, chronic diarrhoea and dysentery; prolapse of rectum; asthma, cough – persistent and gasping, hoarse voice; leucorrhoea, menorrhagia; bitter, sour, warm; LU, LI), ginkgo leaf (circulation (peripheral vascular disease), intermittent claudication, cerebral insufficiency, ageing, senility, Alzheimer’s; LU KI), also poke root, cleavers herb, agastache, yucca, queen’s delight are some of the other specific detox herbs.

With our Detox Tonic, most patients notice increased energy and mental clarity, and many also report a decrease in body aches and pains, positive changes in hearing and vision, and changes in the texture of skin and hair. Most experience greater emotional stability and an overall sense of well-being.

“I’m feeling a lot better after losing 7kg’s on my recent detox with your detox tonic! I’ve dropped a dress size from an uncomfortable 16 to a loose fitting 14, so with more consideration to what & when & how I eat, I’ll be down to a 12 soon!” Natasha

I’m 69 and I’ve had a muzzy head and just felt awful generally. Now since I’ve been taking your Total Detox Tonic my head is clear (what a relief!) and many symptoms that I had come to regard as normal have gone. I feel so much better! Thank you so much. I’m going to give this tonic to my daughter for her birthday. Martha K


Dose and Combination Treatment

This quantum detox method is complex like our body systems are complex but it has a wide and thorough action. Each system needs herbal tonics that should be taken for a month for general detox, or up to 6 months if there’s chronic illness or abnormal cell growth and tumours, or even longer for a sustained action thoughout the system. To thoroughly cleans our body of disease and acidity this program can take 8 to 18 months. Multiple tonics are often necessary to take at the same time to build up the systems so that they function better and progress your health restoration. This will hasten the process (but it may have unforseen side-effects e.g. die back from parisitic elimination, skin eruptions for too quick liver clearance that comes onto the skin (which is an eliminative organ), etc – if this happens reduce your doses but do not stop the tonics, or contact Alan Hopking by email.

Reasons to take different herbal tonic medicines when detoxing following a diagnosis of a serious condition. Here’s an example senario:
1. To cleanse and rejouvenate the lymphatic system, take LymphCleanse.
2. If there are suspected parasites in your body, take WormLess .
3. To gently brush the intestinal system, take ColonCleanse Powder .
4. If there’s chronic constipation you should also take a dose of MoveMore 2 every night.
5. If there’s liver disease, you should take LiverDetox as well.
6. If there’s chronic diarrhoea, you should find out about herbs for this condition viz MoveLess Tonic..
7. Total nutritional support with our ABCDaily Powder
8. For total immune system stimulation and protection combine with HerbShield


5. Schnare, D. W.; et al. “Evaluation of a Detoxification Regimen for Fat Stored Xenobiotics.”Medical Hypotheses 9 no. 3 (1982): 265-282.
6. Schnare, D. W.; et al. “Evaluation of a Detoxification Regimen for Fat Stored Xenobiotics.”Medical Hypotheses 9 no. 3 (1982): 265-282.
7. Schnare, D. W.; et al. “Evaluation of a Detoxification Regimen for Fat Stored Xenobiotics.”Medical Hypotheses 9 no. 3 (1982): 265-282.
8. Gard, Z., M.D.; and Brown, E. “Literature Review and Comparison Studies of Sauna/ Hyperthermia in Detoxification.” Townsend Letter for Doctors 107 (Jun, 1992): 470-478.
9. Shields, J. W., M.D. “Lymph, lymph glands, and homeostasis.” Lymphology 25 no. 4 (Dec, 1992): 147-153.

Some Cautions

According to Alan Hopking, a key question to ask yourself is: am I well enough to undertake rapid and active detoxification or should I string the process out and do the job slowly? If a person is robust and vital, a more vigorous program may be required than if the person is unwell and somewhat fragile in health. Mr Hopking recommends that each individual seek the advice of a qualified health professional to help select the appropriate degree of intensity. People who are recovering drug users, alcoholics, diabetics, or who have eating disorders should not apply any method without strict medical supervision. It is also important to note that detoxification may not be appropriate for individuals who are underweight or physically weak, or for those people with a hypothyroid or a hypoglycemic condition. Anyone with a cancerous condition, or who is just recovering from surgery, should always consult a qualified health professional before any detoxification program is carried out.

Finally, people should know what to expect during detoxification. Mr Hopking states, “Early on you could develop a headache and furred tongue. As the weeks pass your skin should become clearer and smoother, although it may be spotty for a while. Your eyes will become brighter, your brain sharper, digestion more efficient, energy levels raised, and you may well regain a sense of youthful clarity.” But anyone can undertake the Detox Tonic program, says Alan Hopking, either alongside the detox therapy chosen by their holistic practitioner, or alone, bearing these precautions in mind. If you go on a detox, to have the support and natural strength of specific herbs to cleanse the various organs and systems of our body, there’s nothing like the Herbactive Detox Method, developed for this purpose by Alan Hopking who’s been a herbal practitioner for 35 years.

Prices and online store


Herbal Detoxifying Support Tonics:

Total Detox
ColonCleanse Powder
Kidney Stones
Gall Stones
Black Salve
Black Salve Internal Tonic
Teeth, Gums, Mouth
HerbShield your immune system
Herbs and Liver Detoxification
ABC Daily Nutrional Powder – for complete vitamin and mineral support
Are you feeling the health benefits of Alan’s ABC Daily Herbal NutriPowder? click here to find out more

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